
Sunday, May 1, 2011

funny quotes with picture

funny quotes with picture

funny quotes with picture funny quotes with picture funny quotes with picture

funny quotes with picture funny quotes with picture funny quotes with picture

I... recommend to every one of my Readers, the keeping a Journal of their Lives for one Week, and setting down punctually their whole Series of Employments during that Space of Time. This kind of Self-Examination would give them a true State of themselves, and incline them to consider seriously what they are about. One Day would rectifie the Omissions of another, and make a Man weigh all those indifferent Actions, which, though they are easily forgotten, must certainly be accounted for. ~Joseph Addison, 1712

The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say. ~Anais Nin

Dogs come when they're called; cats take a message and get back to you later. ~Mary Bly

If you just set people in motion they'll heal themselves. ~Gabrielle Roth

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. ~Edward Abbey

The moment we break faith with one another, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out. ~James Baldwin

Hawkeye: I wonder who persuaded her to be that.

The believing we do something when we do nothing is the first illusion of tobacco. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

If all the economists were laid end to end, they'd never reach a conclusion. ~George Bernard Shaw

He who buys what he does not need steals from himself. ~Author Unknown

The one bonus of not lifting the ban on gays in the military is that the next time the government mandates a draft we can all declare homosexuality instead of running off to Canada. ~Lorne Bloch

Sanity is madness put to good uses. ~George Santayana, Little Essays

A goodbye isn't painful unless you're never going to say hello again. ~Author Unknown

Why try to explain miracles to your kids when you can just have them plant a garden. ~Robert Brault,

The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances. ~Robert Flatt

There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer. ~Ansel Adams

No man in the world has more courage than the man who can stop after eating one peanut. ~Channing Pollock

Seems to me the basic conflict between men and women, sexually, is that men are like firemen. To men, sex is an emergency, and no matter what we're doing we can be ready in two minutes. Women, on the other hand, are like fire. They're very exciting, but the conditions have to be exactly right for it to occur. ~Jerry Seinfeld

Some people do not become thinkers simply because their memories are too good. ~Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

When you hear someone shout "You da man," if he ain't shouting at Arnold Palmer, then it ain't da man. ~Ron Green, Charlotte Observer

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