Katie Holmes is indeed a lady of many many faces and hairstyles. Not only is Katie Holmes on her way to becoming one of the world’s most prestigious fashion and
hairstylesicons but also she is a carrying mother, committed wife…
This is all on top of her number one film and TV career and you have to ask yourself, how does she do all that?

Being a
hairstyles celebrity icon has proved fairly easy to his young celebrity, after all, when a big event is up and coming such as a new film for her or her Tom Cruise, the perfect way for publicity is to have a new haircut or take on a new hairstyles

Any publicity is good publicity after all... She also seems to have taken more than a few advices from Victoria Beckham, following the cropped pixie haircut at the beginning of this year and also the graduated bob, hairstyles our celebrity wore in year 2008.

In year 2009 a new hairstyles for the fameous actress, the pixie look gave us slightly mixed reviews but those reviews seems just in time for her new commercial for the Miu Miu range at Prada.

A bit later singer
Pictures Victoria Beckham get herself almos the same hairstyles for the new Armani range.
Katie Holmes turned her hairstyles around for the recent premiere of Valkyrie, a new movie by Katie Holmes husband Tom Cruise in which she lost the short hair and went for hair extensions again. Another personal commercial... Maybe not but a change of her hairstyles come at just the right time.