
Thursday, April 28, 2011

birthday quotes for boyfriend

birthday quotes for boyfriend

birthday quotes for boyfriend birthday quotes for boyfriend birthday quotes for boyfriend

birthday quotes for boyfriend birthday quotes for boyfriend birthday quotes for boyfriend

Marriage is nature's way of ensuring that a woman picks up some mothering experience before she has her first child. ~Robert Brault,

We're the country that has more food to eat than any other country in the world, and with more diets to keep us from eating it. ~Author Unknown

Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand. ~Martin Fowler

You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist. ~Attributed to both Golda Meir and Indira Gandhi

When it comes to housework the one thing no book of household management can ever tell you is how to begin. Or maybe I mean why. ~Katharine Whitehorn, "Nought for Homework," Roundabout, 1962

By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower. ~Rabindrath Tagore

Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid. ~Franklin P. Jones

It's not what if, it's what now. ~Author Unknown

It may be that all games are silly. But then, so are humans. ~Robert Lynd

To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life. ~W. Somerset Maugham

There ain't any news in being good. You might write the doings of all the convents of the world on the back of a postage stamp, and have room to spare. ~Finley Peter Dunne

This is one of the disadvantages of wine: it makes a man mistake words for thought. ~Samuel Johnson

There is only one thing about which I am certain, and that is that there is very little about which one can be certain. ~W. Somerset Maugham

All deities reside in the human breast. ~William Blake, "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell"

You can't wrap love in a box, but you can wrap a person in a hug. ~Author Unknown

Oh! that you could turn your eyes towards the napes of your necks, and make but an interior survey of your good selves. ~William Shakespeare, "Coriolanus"

God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but on trees and flowers and clouds and stars. ~Martin Luther

As you climb the ladder of success, be sure it's leaning against the right building. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

I believe that one of the great problems for us as individuals is the depression and the tension resulting from existence in a world which is increasingly less pleasing to the eye. ~Lady Bird Johnson

An expert is a man who tells you a simple thing in a confused way in such a fashion as to make you think the confusion is your own fault. ~William Castle

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