
Thursday, April 28, 2011

laksa siam

laksa siam

laksa siam laksa siam laksa siam

laksa siam laksa siam laksa siam

I had no idea that history was being made. I was just tired of giving up. ~Rosa Parks

Many a man in love with a dimple makes the mistake of marrying the whole girl. ~Stephen Leacock, Literary Lapses, 1910

Quotation: a reproduction or repeating of any passage or statement; a passage referred to, repeated, or adduced; direct citation of the exact phraseology of a person or of a text; quotation in other languages: citaat, citation, Zitat, Preisangabe, citazione, cita��o, cita, citat.

When you are through changing, you are through. ~Bruce Barton

Fires all go out eventually. ~Author Unknown

You can dance anywhere, even if only in your heart. ~Author Unknown

One reason why birds and horses are happy is because they are not trying to impress other birds and horses. ~Dale Carnegie

Players: A vital part of any sporting event, they entertain the crowd in the intervals between timeouts so the cheerleaders can take a well-earned break. ~Author Unknown

Each has his past shut in him like the leaves of a book shown to him by heart, and his friends can only read the title. ~Virginia Woolf

If God had wanted to be a big secret, He would not have created babbling brooks and whispering pines. ~Robert Brault,

The naive follow their hearts. The wise lead with their hearts. ~Author Unknown

Circumstances are the rulers of the weak; they are but the instruments of the wise. ~Samuel Lover

Almost all of us long for peace and freedom; but very few of us have much enthusiasm for the thoughts, feelings, and actions that make for peace and freedom. ~Aldous Huxley

The man who has no inner life is a slave to his surroundings. ~Henri Frederic Amiel

Jogging is very beneficial. It's good for your legs and your feet. It's also very good for the ground. It makes it feel needed. ~Charles Schulz, Peanuts

The value of consistent prayer is not that He will hear us, but that we will hear Him. ~William McGill

Imagine what will happen to this nation if large numbers of American women start using the Wonderbra. It will be catastrophic. The male half of the population will be nothing but mindless drooling Zombies of Lust. Granted, this is also true now, but it will be even worse. ~Dave Barry

The smallest bookstore still contains more ideas of worth than have been presented in the entire history of television. ~Andrew Ross

Skipping is inner joy and outer joy. ~Author Unknown

If gay and lesbian people are given civil rights, then everyone will want them! ~Author unknown, as seen on a button at

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