
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

boston marathon route map

boston marathon route map. oston marathon course map.
  • oston marathon course map.

  • wekes
    Aug 29, 04:47 PM
    I remember getting my old Power Mac 7500 in an ugly brown box with a message on it saying that apple wasn't using dyed boxes in order to help the environment. That's fine with me. However, I retrospect, I promptly dumped that box in the trash and acutally still use my newer and prettier dyed Apple boxes as storage containers in my storage room--something I never would have done with the ugly, wimpier brown one. So much for the borwn box helping the environment.

    IMHO, Greenpeace is not to be trusted. They are highly-biased activists who, like most activist groups (right or left), have the unstated, main goal of needing to justify their continuing existence. Greenpeace, in particular, is notorious for having blinders on to the point they don't have any perspective in the real world beyond the utopian fantasies. I'm all for having reasonable, workable policies that are responsible and benefit society, but letting Greenpeace be the dictator of what those policies should be is naieve and dangerous.

    boston marathon route map. Boston Marathon course.
  • Boston Marathon course.

  • Scooterman1
    May 5, 01:08 PM
    Dropped calls on AT&T are just a thing that you learn to tolerate. Even in our Houston area, where signals are strong on 2 iPhones, my wife and I drop calls each day in her 30 minute drive home. It seems to happen in the same areas so it may be when the calls get handed off to a different tower.

    boston marathon route map. oston marathon map route.
  • oston marathon map route.

  • archipellago
    May 2, 05:12 PM
    Chrome already uses a Sandbox similar to Webkit2 but it is built on top of webkit rather than implemented within webkit. Supposedly, Webkit2's split in the process will be better placed than that of Chrome.

    Safari will use Webkit2 as it is based off of Webkit. Safari based on Webkit2 will be released soon, with the release of OS X Lion.

    so a very small percentage of the market will be using it (the better tech) then?

    if IE or FF don't do something similar then it won't really matter from a cybercrime point of view as 'no one' uses Safari and only the foolish use Chrome.

    sad really..

    I can't think of anywhere else on the internet where users are so pedantic about whether a piece of malware is a virus or not. It's completely missing the point. The amount of malware out there for Macs is very slowly increasing, which, in itself, is increasing the probability of infecting the user base and Macs can be remotely exploited just like any other operating system.

    Instead of rebuffing the emergence of Mac malware with technicalities and pointing the finger at other products, it would be more useful to think about what it means to you, the user. Do you need to run out and buy an antivirus product? No, probably not. If you're someone who keeps on top of software updates and are generally sensible in how you use a computer then you're fine to carry on.

    On the other hand, if you're someone who peruses file sharing services and questionable websites for dodgy content and pirated software then it's becoming increasingly more likely that one day you'll get burned. Highly likely? No, not yet, but it would be foolish to assume immunity to computer security issues based solely on the fact that something so far has not met the strict definition of "virus".

    A few people need to stop being so short sighted in trying to meticulously defend the idea of "no viruses on Macs". Ultimately it's a rather hollow ideal to uphold because uninitiated users accept it as gospel and it doesn't encourage them to adopt safe computer practices.

    sorry, last post...

    great post....

    all sentiments apply equally to OSX and Windows users..

    boston marathon route map. 26 miles of the Boston Marathon route compressed into 10 minutes with towns noted along the way. Original music by Bobby Skerry.
  • 26 miles of the Boston Marathon route compressed into 10 minutes with towns noted along the way. Original music by Bobby Skerry.

  • Apple OC
    Mar 15, 10:42 PM
    It's too undefined...

    Contained to the reactor?

    Contained to the plant?

    Contained to the locality?

    Contained to the island?

    Contained in the hemisphere?

    Contained to the Earth?

    you forgot contained to the universe:rolleyes:

    boston marathon route map. by 2011 Marathon Course Map:
  • by 2011 Marathon Course Map:

  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 24, 04:47 PM
    Are the action of a few countries a representative of Islam?

    the actions of "a few countries" that are many miles apart (so by all rights should have different cultures) but have one thing in common, ie islam, are a representation of the effects of islam.

    islam is unpleasant and, i guess for want of a better word, evil.

    boston marathon route map. oston marathon route map 2011
  • oston marathon route map 2011

  • sinsin07
    Apr 9, 04:17 AM
    The delusion is this thread is hilarious. I'm seeing little casual gamers saying that Nintendo should be bought out, that Sony and Microsoft are doomed because their consoles are cheap on eBay because of device malfunctions (like Apple computers / handhelds don't?), and people claiming that touchscreens are going to replace the buttons for controllers sooner or later.

    boston marathon route map. It was my first Boston
  • It was my first Boston

  • G58
    Jun 21, 11:50 PM
    You obviously have no formal education when it comes to the world of finance, so I'm not sure why you're even making comments about such things.

    The simple fact that Apple has to make $23 billion more in revenue compared to Google, just so they can have $2.7 billion more in gross profit is nothing to brag about.

    Go do more homework.

    That's a really dumb statement. Google don't make anything, and they don't know how to sell things. They shut down the Nexus one web site! It's easy to sell space you own and make more profit.

    And you don't 'make' revenue. I can't be bothered to check your dumb figures.

    boston marathon route map. oston marathon route map
  • oston marathon route map

  • Pants
    Oct 9, 11:13 AM
    Originally posted by gopher

    Maybe we have, but nobody has provided compelling evidence to the contrary. The Mac hardware is capable of 18 billion floating calculations a second. Whether the software takes advantage of it that's another issue entirely. If someone is going to argue that Macs don't have good floating point performance, just look at the specs. If they really want good performance and aren't getting it they need to contact their favorite developer to work with the specs and Apple's developer relations. Apple provides the hardware, it is up to developer companies to utilize the hardware the best way they can. If they can't utilize Apple's hardware to its most efficient mode, then they should find better developers.

    If you are going to complain that Apple doesn't have good floating point performance, don't use a PC biased spec like Specfp. Go by actual floating point calculations a second.
    Nobody has shown anything to say that PCs can do more floating point calculations a second. And until someone does I stand by my claim. to get performance from the damned thing, I have to write arcane altivec code yes? well, sorry, I and many like me, neither have the time nor the patience to hand wring performance like this. Jeez, the days of hand optimising code are thankfully long gone, except, it seems with a g4. And we have to of course assume that even this mythical 18 million flops is based on the assumption that we can get the altivec unit supplied with data? hmm... This is not acceptable - spec fp biased? well, yeah, because it doesnt justify your end argument - the fact that most other companies are 'happy' to stand by it is merely justification for its 'biased' nature yeah?


    boston marathon route map. oston marathon course 2011.
  • oston marathon course 2011.

  • Dippo
    Mar 18, 07:44 PM
    Now why do hackers have to go do this? they say they do it cuz the prices that cd's are is "unfair" and "overpriced".

    Let me repeat for those who aren't listening...
    You still have to buy the music!!!

    You have every right to rip DRM free music from a CD that you bought, and the same should go for music that you download.

    Just because the industry paid the lawmakers enough money to make a law that makes getting around DRM illegal, that doesn't make it wrong!

    boston marathon route map. 2011 oston marathon course
  • 2011 oston marathon course

  • MacRumors
    Mar 18, 02:22 PM
    According to (, from the same authors of QTFairUse (, comes what is described as "the fair interface to the iTunes Music Store". The application called PyMusique ( acts as a front end for the iTunes Music Store and allows users to preview iTunes songs, signup for an account, buy songs and redownload songs that were bought with PyMusique.

    The most notable twist is this quote from Jon Johansen ("DVD Jon"), one of the authors of the application:

    It is somewhat interesting from a DMCA/EUCD perspective. The iTunes Music Store actually sells songs without DRM. While iTunes adds DRM to your purchases, PyMusique does not.

    Note: This application has been untested by this site, and Apple will likely take steps to prevent future usage.

    boston marathon route map. Boston Marathon Course Map
  • Boston Marathon Course Map

  • MrNomNoms
    Apr 21, 05:24 AM
    It's interesting how Apple seem to put the customer (and the customer's experience) first and profit big time in the process.

    Note to self - note the above.

    It is the old story, focus on the product and the profits will follow. The problem is far too many focus on the profit and ignore the product resulting in a crap product no person wants to buy.

    boston marathon route map. The Boston Marathon route
  • The Boston Marathon route

  • portishead
    Apr 12, 10:50 PM
    HAHAHA One-click CC. you are funny or... well you know what.

    Yeah, I don't know about one click CC either. Color me skeptical. Although a lot of color adjustments are just minor, so theoretically, it could do a decent job.

    Anyone doing complicated color work is going to need a dedicated app anyway. I don't think it's realistic to assume FCPX will ever be able to do this.

    boston marathon route map. oston marathon course
  • oston marathon course

  • cwe
    Sep 26, 02:01 PM
    November or December at the latest. It will simply be a Dual Clovertown Processor option added to the current BTO page with a new processor pricing lineup. It will be a silent upgrade.

    You're kidding, right? Here we are sitting around waiting on the C2D and you're saying that in about two months we'll have the option to buy a QUAD? Please say your kidding. PLEASE.

    boston marathon route map. oston marathon course map
  • oston marathon course map

  • makinao
    Mar 11, 02:48 AM
    Satoneko and everyone else in Japan: Please take precautions for aftershocks. In my country, the worst earthquake disaster when two separate 7.0 earthquakes hit the same area within minutes of each other, and aftershocks continued for several days. The worst may not be over. We're hoping for everyone's safety.

    *Just read another 6.4 quake just happened.

    boston marathon route map. The Boston Marathon Course
  • The Boston Marathon Course

  • bugfaceuk
    Apr 9, 09:31 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I love how people are comparing an iOS device with a PS3 or Xbox..

    Classic Chalk or Pen post.

    I understand your point, but think the fact that they are says a lot about how gaming has changed over the last 4 years.

    boston marathon route map. oston marathon route map
  • oston marathon route map

  • javajedi
    Oct 13, 11:23 AM
    Originally posted by macwannabe
    Saying that the 2.8GHz P4 is no good because it is based on 25 year old architecture is nonsense as far as I'm concerned.

    Can I take it then that you don't think that any of the cars on the market at the moment are worth having or have been improved at all on the grounds that they are based on an 80 year old design? "I don't think that BMW is any good as it is based on a Ford model T", hmmmmmmmm dodgy logic methinks.

    You are absolutely 110% correct. We've allready dismissed BackToTheMac's outlandish fallacies though :)

    I think he gets the picture now....

    boston marathon route map. oston marathon route map
  • oston marathon route map

  • r1ch4rd
    Apr 22, 10:10 PM
    I'm in the U.S, and I do receive a lot of pressure! I get on average 4-5 messages a week from believers on Facebook warning me of hellfire. :-/ and I'm not even too strident in my disbelief.
    Normally I just take it as a joke, but lately its been getting to me. I think that my hellfire threats are above average even for American atheists.

    I'm not sure how to express this eloquently, but I am sure you know what I mean... if you don't believe something it's not a part of your life. I don't believe in God, I also don't believe in the tooth fairy. I just don't label myself as a believer, rather than labeling myself as a disbeliever. It sounds like there is an opinion amongst some individuals that you can be converted, but in reality it's just not even an issue. I just don't get it!

    On the plus side, at least you know you won't really end up in hell ;)

    boston marathon route map. oston marathon map route.
  • oston marathon map route.

  • QCassidy352
    Jul 12, 09:45 AM
    I'd just like to direct all of your attention to this thread ( and ask those of you who said merom was going to be in the imac: what were you thinking? :confused: ;)

    I realize it's a little early to be gloating, but c'mon, it's definitely going to be conroe. Which, btw, I find even more exciting than the mac pro news because while I'll never have a mac pro, an imac is always possible. :cool: (though I'm thrilled about woodcrest in the mac pro anyway because it allows the imac to get conroe, and because it's great news for those of you who want a mac pro. :))

    boston marathon route map. Los Angeles Marathon Route Map
  • Los Angeles Marathon Route Map

  • mdriftmeyer
    Apr 12, 11:19 PM
    Reading the comments about $299 being a pretty good deal truly makes me laugh. Ten years ago a system of such capacity would be > $50K and you're downplaying $299.

    Grow some perspective.

    Oct 25, 11:00 PM
    It's nice that the quad cores will drop into the Mac Pro. Will they drop into the new XServe?

    Say, aren't the new quad cores AND the new XServes coming out at almost exactly the same time?

    -Mike from (

    Mar 18, 11:09 AM
    I want to jail break my iphone 4 and install mifi. The reason is to create a mobile router that my iPad and camera can connect to so that images shot my camera will appear on my iPad. This will not involve any data going to the internet. Is this a violation of my ATT agreement? Will then even be able to tell I'm doing it?

    Sep 26, 08:31 AM
    I'd pay for them to try and do a low voltage Clovertown like they did Woodcrest with the 5148LV. That one had a TDP not far off of Merom.

    Intel do have a LV Clovertown planned. Its a 4x1.6Ghz with 8MB L2 (2x4MB) part with a 50W TDP. See for more info.


    Apr 11, 09:41 AM
    Not that this really matters much, but just for the record:

    I was one of the first to own the original iPhone and have an iPhone 4 now. I bought an iPhone 4 for my wife and an iPod Touch for my son. I got my mom an iPad and I'm about to buy one for myself. So I'm certainly not anti-Apple. I'm just not sure I see a clear advantage FOR ME to get a Mac computer over a Windows machine.

    But, who knows... maybe some day.

    We started with Windows and Linux. Windows was buggy, crashy and the opposite of trouble free while Linux "just works." I had a Palm smartphone and it worked equally well with Windows, Linux. Because I liked Linux, I decided to try OS X. I found that my Palm smartphone worked as well with OS X as it had worked with Linux. One thing I remembered through this process is that Windows phones would only work natively with Windows and I had already decided to put that OS in my rear view mirror.

    Then I got a Blackberry phone and had all kinds of sync problems. To be honest, I blame those sync problems on Apple and iSync but I knew that if I went to an iThing my sync problems would go away. Sure enough, I carried an iPod Touch and a Blackberry for about a year and my iPod Touch was always in sync but it was a knock down drag out fight to keep my BB in sync. I was relying on MobileMe to keep things in sync and the only down side is that it is a paid service versus google which is free.

    When it came time to replace my aging BB, I considered Android but settled on iPhone so I could bring all my apps and data over from my iPod Touch. Bottom line: I could have chosen to live with a multi platform environment but living in an all Apple environment has provided a flawless end to end user experience for me.

    If you like your iPhone and have a desire for an Apple computer, I can tell you the two play very well together. In fact, I can testify from experience that Apple is better at making any two Apple devices play well together than is Microsoft. Heck I remember the days when I was hosting lan parties that WinME, Win2K and WinXP couldn't see one another on a network because of incompatibilities in MS implementation of networking across the 3 OS. And these were similar devices.

    When I picked up my iPad, and later my iPhone 4, I had all my contacts and calendar on the devices before walking out of the Apple store. I was not only impressed. I was delighted and I remain delighted in the way my iThings work. I think you can get Mobile Me free on windows (buy purchasing a $99 annual subscription) but as I've never tried it, I don't know how well it works. I don't dislike Outlook but I do resent the fact that unlike and it is not included with the OS.

    BTW, while I've taken an "all Apple" approach, I don't think that's necessary but I do think it is better because of Apple's dedication to a quality end to end user experience.

    Apr 9, 06:49 AM
    Heat is a mixed bag. For "normal" use (we browsing, etc...) I find the situation better than the typical PC. I hated the Dell notebook work had issued me because it sounded like a wind tunnnel at idle. Gaming, or other intensive use of the system does generate a lot of heat and I would not recommend using it on your unprotected lap under those circumstances.

    If you're talking about pre-built PC's, Dell in particular, than yes, most will heat around the same or worse than a Mac. However Dell and HP are known to be very bad brands. If we're talking laptops, then depending on the model you buy, some may also have heating issues that other brands will not. If we're talking PC desktops, hopefully you've built your own, but if you didn't you can install more fans, a better heatsink, better thermal paste, etc. without voiding your warranty. Last time I checked, if you open your Mac, it voids your warranty.

    Post Title boston marathon route map