
Friday, May 13, 2011

mothers day quotes from children

mothers day quotes from children. Serious Quotes:
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  • emotion
    Sep 20, 09:05 AM
    Slightly OT but bear with me.

    The Topfield TF5800 (see above) isn't fully HD capable but it's technically possible that it can record HD streams for use on your computer.

    In this instance the iTV would be very useful (back on topic now :) ).

    mothers day quotes from children. This song is the official world anthem for Mothers Day. A musical tribute to all of the Mothers of the World, honouring the sacred feminine energy that
  • This song is the official world anthem for Mothers Day. A musical tribute to all of the Mothers of the World, honouring the sacred feminine energy that

  • Apple OC
    Mar 12, 01:42 AM
    best of luck with the complications at the nuclear plant ... on top of the best Japanese engineers, I am sure some others from around the world are there to help also.

    this will definitely not be like Chernobyl

    mothers day quotes from children. Mother#39;s Day Quote No. 3
  • Mother#39;s Day Quote No. 3

  • akw
    Mar 20, 05:50 PM
    Echoing a comment I saw elsewhere, why doesn't someone just hire this guy. It probably costs more for Apple to sue each person than it would be to hire them and keep them busy fixing these problems internally.

    Maybe he's not for hire. Not everyone can be bought. Or, maybe he's already working for Napster.

    mothers day quotes from children. Mother#39;s Day Quotes - Life: As
  • Mother#39;s Day Quotes - Life: As

  • therevolution
    Mar 18, 05:08 PM
    Sorry, i didn't read every post so this may be repeatative but...

    why would you pay for something you don't want
    To prove a point: DRM is basically useless.

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  • squash mother#39;s day quotes

  • Gurutech
    Jul 12, 01:12 PM
    Pentium D has horrid heat output. :)

    Yonah is a laptop chip yet it is in Apple's desktop iMac. :)


    The Merom ( has a TDP ( of 35 W and the Conroe ( has a TDP of 65 W (or 80 W for the X6xxx) ...and that isn't counting the difference in heat produced by the chipset (Apple is using a laptop chipset in the Intel iMac).

    So the question is can Apple use a chip and chipset that will have a peak thermal load that is likely more then double (if they used Conroe) what is in the current Intel iMac (the Yonah has a TDP around 27 W). Also in theory the Conroe should come out a little cheaper then a Merom based system because of volume and binning.

    Likely they can (given the iMac contained a G5 at one point, granted low clock rate) but it will come at the cost of more constant use of fans.

    Apple could go either way on this...

    Sure can.
    I believe the max TDP of G5 processor is something like 80 W.
    more like +- 60 W

    If they can put that BURNING G5 into iMac, why not the Conroe?
    Putting 65 W hot processor in iMac enclosure isn't that difficult.

    mothers day quotes from children. A mother is a person who
  • A mother is a person who

  • kingtj
    Aug 29, 12:54 PM
    The fact is, Apple computers make up well under 8% of the total world computer marketplace. FAR less if you include all the mainframes and minicomputers in that estimate.

    If Apple did absolutely *nothing* special to please environmentalists... no recycling programs whatsoever, etc. - it would have relatively little impact on the overall situation. The fact is, they DO take some steps towards being environmentally responsible anyway.

    Truthfully, it's a much more serious issue if a *large* computer supplier like Dell scores badly in this area. They pump out MANY more PCs on corporate desktops all over the world. Apple has to showcase it when they can find a business that bought thousands of their computers at a time. For Dell or IBM, they could point to that in several companies in any major American city.

    Groups like Greenpeace border on fanatical....

    This is a real bummer to me. I pride myself on making as little an impact on the environment as I can, but make my living using computers to make music... and I use all Apple products... so I'm feeling really guilty about this right now.

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  • mothers day quotes from

  • fatfreddy
    Mar 11, 04:46 AM
    More footage.

    mothers day quotes from children. Reuters Pictures 1 day ago. A
  • Reuters Pictures 1 day ago. A

  • henrikrox
    Apr 20, 08:56 PM
    Ive had macs sine the late 90's, ipad, all iphones etc.

    But this summer im getting the galaxy s2. But i like to customize stuff. I feel the iphone is generic. Everyone is the same with a different background.

    I feel they can do so much more with their os. And yes apple fanboys will say just wait for ios 5.0. Problem is we have this disucussion last year to.

    Also with honeycomb android actually made a tablet os. I hate that theipad is just a scaled version of the iphone os. Use the screenspace.

    Dont get me wrong. I love apple. But they have their shortcomings. Dunno why the iphone 5 (rumors) will get delayed. Then android will get a surge the next months.

    Also i feel sorry for those who are mindeless zombies and just buy whatever the company makes. That goes for both parts ofcourse.

    I jusr love the open feel of android. Play a 1080p mkv if i want. Download torrrnts. File system. Widgets, cusromaztion. And i love the apple ecosystem, just not how closed the experienced gets.

    I just hope we can respect people for having different taste, and jusr enjoy our purchase. And dont pick on eachother

    mothers day quotes from children. Short Mother#39;s Day Poems
  • Short Mother#39;s Day Poems

  • LimeiBook86
    Apr 15, 09:14 AM
    Pixar did a similar video like this, it was the first one I've seen. Glad to see Apple doing one as well. :) Great idea, very nice! :D

    mothers day quotes from children. Mothers Day Quotes From Kids162 ViewsShare:
  • Mothers Day Quotes From Kids162 ViewsShare:

  • i_am_a_cow
    Mar 20, 01:53 PM
    Probably not, but are you going to whip out a check to pay for it? Software delevelopment is not free.

    What a silly thought. Of course it's not free. I'm saying that it is just as unethical for Apple to ignore Linux as it is for DVD Jon to try and play music on Linux. We are not talking about what is technically wrong here. After all, every country has a different set of laws. We are talking about what is the right thing to do. It would hardly be a burden for Apple to port iTunes and open up Airport drivers.

    The main concern of mine is Apple's stubborn refusal to adapt to simple standards. They haven't kept up with GNU standards in GCC, they won't port Quicktime or iTunes to Linux, they won't make open drivers available for Airport cards. Apple is losing quite a few fans. I was a huge Apple fan for a long time (3/4 of my life). Now, I am losing respect for Apple's ridiculous money-making stubborness.

    And don't try and argue that Mac OS X is just the same as linux. It isn't.

    mothers day quotes from children. Mother#39;s day greetings
  • Mother#39;s day greetings

  • CIA
    Apr 13, 01:12 AM
    Currently I work as a producer for the NBA. If the face recognition works, that could be huge for what I do. We have to go through months and months of games pulling highlights of individual players. Currently we edit using Final Cut Pro systems. If the new system can accurately analyze faces and allow me to do a search for certain players, well, that would be friggin' awesome. I hope it works.

    I was wracking my brain trying to figure out what the hell the face recognition feature would be used for. That makes sense, sports. Sadly we shoot a ton of skiing and snowboarding, so it probably won't work well for us since everyone is wearing hats/helmets and goggles.

    mothers day quotes from children. MOTHERS DAY LINKS

  • guzhogi
    May 5, 02:21 PM
    Two weeks ago my service was flaking out. Couldn't make calls or get to 3G all day. Wasn't too happy. Wentthe AT&T store to go vent and the hottest clerk, I have ever seen, was working. She was so hot, she should have been over at VS in VS modellling something for me. wink, wink. nudge, nudge. ;) She said they were working on a go-live of 12 new towers. The engineers had screwed up the configs. So the new towers and some of the old towers weren't playing nice with network. I live in mostly Verizon country. AT&T has been making improvements out the whaz. They finalized the deal for Centennial Wireless. Alot of those towers flipped to ATT recently. So for me, my piece of the network got bigger & better. Now mind you this girl was so good looking she could have told me to set my iPhone on fire and I would have given it serious consideration. It seems like AT&T is trying to act like it cares. So back to mis hottie. I asked for her phone number. ANd she told me, 1-800-331-0500. I think she likes me.

    Pics of her?

    My sister keeps asking when the iPhone is coming to Verizon. She really wants an iPhone, but hates AT&T.

    And just so you know, my sister's married. Sorry guys.

    mothers day quotes from children. happy mother day quotes. happy
  • happy mother day quotes. happy

  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 09:52 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Gotta agree with you there. Im sure they get bullied like everyone else, but I remember in high school an experience where I was harassed and picked on, beat up, hit in the head with a chair, etc, etc, and the administration did nothing. I was bigger than this guy, but I really didn't want to fight him, violence doesn't solve violence, finally the principal gave him a warning, which he laughed about.

    You know, while I'm loathe to actually suggest violence, the few times I actually did hit someone it really had a profound effect. In one instance I actually was on friendly terms with the bully after I socked him in the nose.

    Not saying this should be encouraged, but it's an interesting insight. Some bullies were sadistic and cruel and sick, no doubt. But I wonder if there isn't some instinct to "test" you out, to see if you're worthy to tag along on the caribou hunt or something... and you get a little respect back when you prove yourself with a little friendly violence.

    mothers day quotes from children. Mother#39;s Day Quotes - Life: As
  • Mother#39;s Day Quotes - Life: As

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 11:37 PM
    Spitzer says it's very rare and FOF are misquoting him and missusing his study.
    FreeState, have you read the note I posted a link to the same video you posted, the one about what Spitzer says about Focus on the Family? I don't know why FOF neglected to mention how rarely sexual-orientation changes. But I think Dobson's organization should have mentioned that rarity.

    mothers day quotes from children. quot;Mother#39;s Dayquot;
  • quot;Mother#39;s Dayquot;

  • Edge100
    Apr 15, 12:09 PM
    Right, because civil marriage is required for gays to have sex with each other. Nobody is forcing you to do anything. You can have sex with whomever you want to.

    We're talking about gay Catholics here, who ostensibly value being Catholic more than they value satisfying their sexual desires in a manner compatible with their sexuality. There is no theocratic regime forcing them to live as Catholics in good standing - it is a personal lifestyle choice, if you will.

    I absolutely agree with you; there is no compulsion for anyone to be Catholic (well, that's not strictly true, since people are often forced to accept Catholicism as children, before they are capable of making the decision for themselves).

    But that doesn't in any way imply that the position of the Catholic church on this issue (and so, so, so many others) isn't hateful and discriminatory.

    Tell me again: do condoms help prevent the spread of HIV (, or do they actually cause the spread of HIV ( Which was it? I can't recall.

    mothers day quotes from children. Mother#39;s Day
  • Mother#39;s Day

  • JediZenMaster
    Mar 18, 10:36 AM
    ATT could use better price discrimination policies. There are many people who would like tethering, unrestricted 3G etc, who are more than willing to pay. Many would also give up unlimited data as long as ATT gave quality service at a decent price.

    So have you seen what verizon charges for tethering? This forum is extremely slighted towards AT&T. Yet Verizon charges more for tethering and they seem to get a free pass.

    So compared to the other carrier that offers the iPhone the tethering with AT&T is a "decent" price.

    mothers day quotes from children. HAPPY MOTHER#39;S DAY!

  • pirateRACE
    Apr 13, 09:04 AM
    As a FC editor I'm excited. I can't wait to see what is in store for the rest of the suite.

    If it's not your cup of tea, then keep rocking your current version. Amazing films, TV and web material has been made with it.

    mothers day quotes from children. Mothers Day Quotes From Kids162 ViewsShare:
  • Mothers Day Quotes From Kids162 ViewsShare:

  • Lucky736
    Apr 15, 10:44 AM
    Read before you post. One more time: READ BEFORE YOU POST.

    I'm not wound up about people having opinions that don't match with mine. What's really got me on a roll here is the fact that another poster took the freedom to JUDGE me, and LABEL me, as a self-hater. THAT is what has me irritated. I 'attacked' the media and its approach towards the issue of homosexuality. My attack was not on my own community or no one individual. Are you really having a hard time understanding that?

    I'm straight and I understand your point fine. Because you don't fit into the other gay gentlemans stereotype of "what it is to be gay to him" he labeled you a self hater, which is absurd. How hard is it to understand that?

    mothers day quotes from children. Mothers Day Quotes, Happy
  • Mothers Day Quotes, Happy

  • javajedi
    Oct 8, 05:51 PM
    Mac are the fastest in things like MP3 encoding, MPEG4/DIVX encoding ...[/B][/QUOTE]

    1) DiVX performance on the mac absolutely blows.

    2) After I read your little post I ran a simple benchmark comparing my $3500 top of the line PowerBook:

    The P4 ripped and encoded a 6:20 song @ 128kbit/s in a total of 12 seconds. The same process (same song) @ 128kbit/s in iTunes took 47 seconds.

    What does that say?

    Mar 18, 04:49 AM
    stop gouging the customer. first we pay for 'unlimited' data thats capped at 5gb then they limit it to 2gb and force you to pay more to tether.

    I totally agree.

    Rodimus Prime
    Mar 15, 11:13 PM
    my guess is it is going to come down to them fillings the chamber with concrete

    Apr 13, 12:07 AM
    The BBC just purchased 4,000 Premiere systems.

    LOL. 4000 editors are gonna be pissed.

    Sep 26, 03:31 AM
    Thats an interesting concept but I think someone is a bit ahead of themselves.

    I've heard that processors have reached some sort of theoretical limit and I'm guessing that multiple cores is getting around this. But why aren't these chips at higher clock speeds? I really don't milti-task that much so I would be more interested in raw power rather then power in numbers. If the prices on the current processors drop I think I'd get the quad 3GHz rather then a 8 core 2.66GHz. But if they had a dual 6GHz that would be even better.;)

    Aug 29, 02:55 PM
    The post I was replying to said that there were 100x the cars today, which is 100% false. That the population has nearly doubled since then is true.

    I actually can't find any data from 1966, but the numbers from 1968 are very similar.

    Not sure about nuking the Middle East, though.... :)
    lol kidding about nuking it. and yes stem cells are a different story i dont know which post I read.

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