
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

new york mets wallpaper computer

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 28, 09:12 AM
    Tablets like the iPad, Xoom, G-Slate, heck, even smartphones like the iPhone, Droid, Incredible, etc.. are all lower case "pc"s. As in, they are computers that are personal. They aren't upper case PCs, as in IBM PC compatible.

    Servers based on Intel architecture processors like the C7000 chassis blades are not lower case "pc"s, as in, they aren't personal computer systems. They are servers (also why are we talking about servers here ? Is there even any evidence Catalyst is including those in HP's and Dell's numbers ? I doubt they are...). They are however (again, the Intel variant) upper case PCs, as in IBM PC compatible .

    PC (Personal Computer) is an architecture defined in the 80s by IBM. pc is a personal computer. Learn the difference boys and girls.

    Should the Tablet sales be included in charts like these ? I don't think so, this is just a very pro Apple analyst group trying to make it look like Apple is having more success in a segment they have usually lagged a bit in (though in which they are still showing quite the growth and beating expectations without the iPad).

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  • DroidRules
    Apr 21, 12:10 AM
    But just like Windows, it's practically impossible to have any problems unless you do something stupid.

    Another analogy - if you buy a car and put the wrong type of oil in it or inflate the tyres to the wrong pressure, bad things will probably happen.

    If you don't know what you're doing with your own devices then maybe you need Apple to hold your hand.
    I almost shot milk out my nose! Funny cause it's true. :D

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  • drevvin
    May 16, 01:07 PM
    Please note that non of the supposed "BETTER" carriers have the iphone congesting there network with psychotic amounts of data congestion especially in the larger cities like New York this is such a ******** biased statement and study that AT&T is having excessive dropped calls. You know I hope Verizon LLC does end up getting the iphone so they too can see exactly that the iphone is the cause of said congestion and dropped calls, and if you wanna poll the typical AT&T customer that doesn't use a iphone they don't see this issue. Its the fact that Apple who has been developing phones for 3 years now....3....people companies like Motorola, Nokia, LG, and others including HTC have been at this 10 or more years they know how to make a phone. 90 percent of the AT&T supposed dropped calls are from people using the Iphone, its not a AT&T thing as much as it is that apple has yet to perfect making phones like Motorola and Nokia who have been in the business since the beginning of cellphone technology have. So before you go spouting off that AT&T is a horrible provider maybe you should do some research into what type of handset most of these people are using when they have these supposed "EXCESSIVE" dropped calls and I bet most of them will answer Iphone.

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  • Huntn
    Apr 22, 09:27 PM
    No no, you're misreading me. The atheists I've spoken to, here in the UK and various European countries, tend to not back up their atheism with reasons of any sort. They just are.

    I think faith is such a personal thing that the "proof" could be in their heads. Paul's conversion occurred on the road to Damascus, he had an epiphany from somewhere. It was proof to him but he couldn't explain it. A lot of theists and born again Christians claim to have these damascene revelations which change their lives etc etc.

    All form of religious talk ends in aporia usually... At least religious debate that pertains to ontology of God. You can still argue aspects of different religions or beliefs.

    Hmm, I might argue that what happens in your head may have personal value, in fact it may change your life, but it really has no bearing on the reality of our existence, just what we imagine it to be, and has no real right to be called "proof". It's jut faith if you see the distinction I'm trying to make.

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  • reel2reel
    Apr 15, 09:50 AM
    That's awesome.

    Humans can be some nasty creatures.

    Yep, this hate is dying off. Demographics are destiny. Younger people, writ large, are not homophobic or anti-gay.

    But they're still pretty good at hating and excluding for other reasons. Some things never change, unfortunately.

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  • new york mets 2011 wallpaper.

  • Mad Mac Maniac
    Mar 18, 11:04 AM
    I've never once tethered or hotspotted yet my usage for last month was over 9GB....this is just normal iPhone usage for me, they better not automatically change me to the tiered plan. :mad:

    Well did u get the text/email?

    Wait hold on.... Sharing food is illegal?

    I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not... but he didn't say it was illegal necessarily, but it is stealing and wrong, and the restaurant certainly would stop you if they caught you. Did you read the context? Like if you went with a group of friends to a buffet, but only one person paid then that person kept going back through the line getting food for everyone else.

    But back to the original topic, I really hope that at&t won't be able to spot a 4.3 tether. I've kept my unlimited all year, and never once tethered. In fact usually I'm under 1gb (but one month I did netflix like crazy and I was over 4gb). But I have been hanging on to this because one day I might need it. And now that day has come, with my wifi iPad 2. That would really suck that now that I finally want to tether, I won't be able to. Now I'll just have been paying at&t tons of cash for no reason...

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  • Freshfishing
    May 5, 10:17 PM
    At least 50% of my calls are dropped on ATT iPhones in MN. I probably know 50+ people in the area who have iPhones and everyone has the same level of issues. We are all getting really good at texting!

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  • sdunlapa
    Oct 7, 09:18 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7C144 Safari/528.16)

    Wait a minute, windows mobile is on multiple phones. Why won't they take over iPhone's market share? Everything is always so pie in the sky. I remember when the iPhone was supposed to be a disaster and a sure failure. Something sure went wrong there.

    new york mets wallpaper computer. new york mets 2011 wallpaper.
  • new york mets 2011 wallpaper.

  • Evangelion
    Jul 12, 01:02 AM
    Sounds like these new Mac Pros are going to be expensive.

    In a way, yes. And I think that ThinkSecret is right as well: I bet that we will see a "MacPro Mini" featuring a mini-tower-design (or maybe pizzabox) that will use Conroe. MacPro would be all quad-core. The Mini would cost $1499 - $1999, whereas MacPro would cost $2499 - $3499. iMac would get Merom.

    I made this prediction a while ago, and I still stand by it.

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  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 30, 04:22 AM
    Most classic geophysicists & geologists do not believe man is causing global warming.
    Absolute nonsense.
    Global warming is a natural process and has happened many times over the lifespan of the earth. Sometimes it precedes an ice age sometimes it is ralated to internal changes within the earth core. It has occured in our past and it appears to be occuring now. The real reason for cooling and warming of the Earth are not well understood.
    You are here talking about the natural oscillation of temperature (see my previuos post) geophysists often talk about which leads to an occasional ice age now then. There is a natural CO2 variation in the atmosphere which have been studied over extremely long periods by studying ice core samples from e.g. Greenland.
    Every single well-founded theoretical model over natural CO2 variation model predicts we are outside the natural variation.
    That is a fact.
    We also know that CO2 is very potent greenhouse effect.
    Thus we also know that the earth is getting warmer due to the increased CO2 level.
    The increased CO2 level coincides with the industrilization when man began to burn fossile fuel in a historically unprecedented manner.
    Mankind is causing the increased CO2 level. CO2 is a greenhouse gas.
    This can of course not the explain the natural variation of temperature, but the fact remains our activities here in earth is causing an increased temperature.
    Environmental scientists agree that man is causing global warming. All of their theories are based on models.
    All scientific models are just theoretical models and can not be prove themselves. (see Gödel 1931)
    But these models are designed trying to prove that man's production of greenhouse gas is the cause and they are way too simplified. We do not have enough information on all of the critical factors affecting climate change to build proper models.
    In consequense of your argument and Gödel, it follows that we never can say anything about science. This is the same argument tobacco lobbyists have been using in defence of cigarettes.
    Reality may be somewhere in between. However global warming has taken place on Venus and is currently taking place on Mars. Man obviously did not cause thes activities and it may or may not be related to the Earth's current episode of warming.
    Again, you are talking about natural variations. But again, not a single theretical model predicts the current CO2 level to be natural variation.
    I am not arguing with the idea of reducing greenhouse gas emissions if we can practically. Why contribute to a problem. I just don't think that we can effect climate change on a global scale and if the Earth choses to warm for whatever reason we will not be able to stop it.
    No one is claiming to have the final model explaining the temperature on earth. Nevertheless, the fact remains, we are outside the natural CO2 level. CO2 is a powerful greenhouse gas. There is a significant lag between the level of CO2 and the temperature on earth. Hence, if we don't do something now it might be late tomorrow. I wrote might, because, as you said, noone knows for sure. But are we really interested in playing dice with our own existence?

    Sidenote: In science, the name of the game is getting publications. The sorry fact is that you don't get publications by singing with the choir. Since this debate is considered both important and urgent, it is easier to get a not-so well-founded-model published right now. I have seen crazy ideas published explaining the incrased temperature on earth as cow flatulence and rotting trees at bottoms of lakes (methane gas is also a potent greenhouse gas)
    These publications makes it unfortunately even harder to sort out the real facts about this issue which very well might be the most important issue mankind has been faced with here on earth.

    new york mets wallpaper computer. New York Mets Wallpaper
  • New York Mets Wallpaper

  • Eidorian
    Jul 14, 02:09 PM
    Dual optical drive slots are a must. I love my Mirrored Drive Door at work for this fact.

    new york mets wallpaper computer. new york mets 2011 wallpaper.
  • new york mets 2011 wallpaper.

  • ImageWrangler
    Oct 9, 03:33 PM
    Probably, unless Apple recognizes the competition and responds by:
    - Removal of 3g cellular restrictions not technically motivated at least outside of the US
    - Allowing at least music apps like Spotify to run in the background
    - Improving the app approval process to become more like the Android process
    - Flash support in Safari (with an option to disable this)
    - SDK that can execute on other platforms like Windows or Linux and that uses a more user-friendly and intuitive language than Objective-C

    Hahaha! I love it! A humor writer! For which night time show do you right your jokes for because these are all awesomely funny, I mean, only a humor writer could write such thing so ludicrous and out there. Now, please only take this is constructive criticism as some of your jokes you wrote aren't as funny as others, I mean, you're clearly not at the top escholon and you're honing your funny writing chops but, as a start, with such absurd one-liners as this I think your future is bright, especially for say parody or absurdist or non-logical humor... brilliant stuff. Keep up the good work. Unless you were being serious, in which case, try a magnifying glass.

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  • nimbusthegreat
    May 6, 12:40 AM
    ever since switching to sh&t when i bought the original iphone, i've had problems. it seems to get worse with each passing day. in the last month i've spent over 10 hours on the phone with sh&t trying to get this fixed to no avail. i love my iphone but HATE:mad: the network it's on.

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  • bigcat318
    May 2, 08:52 AM
    I have noticed pop-ups about this appearing recently. It's usually the type where your only option is to click OK on a small window and then it opens a full window about 'MACDefender' and tries to get you to download it.

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  • New York Mets City Wallpaper

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 23, 09:56 PM
    How many people became atheist because of religion? Or have their atheistic views strengthened as a result of religion?

    Hello!!! Me!! Me!! Been there, done that. :p

    Then tell them that they're not true believers.

    I would not presume to tell them anything. And I expect the same consideration in return.

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  • computer wallpaper New Cables

  • faroZ06
    Apr 20, 06:16 PM
    This is becoming more true, but historically hasn't been the case. Fortunately Microsoft eventually learned its lessons from Slammer and the like.

    Once you use Windows, you are doing something stupid :D
    Well not really, I guess if you want a computer that is cheap and weak, you can get a Windows computer.

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  • computer wallpaper New Cables

  • noservice2001
    Sep 26, 01:32 AM
    so can i expect a quad core macbook pro soon?

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  • Multimedia
    Nov 3, 04:12 AM
    Try reading what you are responding too. I'm fully aware of the consumer software that's available, but I also know the general consumer is not going to be archeiving HD broadcast recordings on their iMac.

    I clearly was discussing quad core chips' appeal to the masses, and I'm correct that most software out isn't written for more than 2 cores.

    Sure you and others have uses for quad core and more processors but don't act like a complete idiot and try and convince us that most people do. It's just stupid.

    I'm all for advancing technology but I also understand that most poeple don't ever push their computers to the limit. You are a small niche, stop acting like you are an average Mac consumerI could not disagree with you more. So let's leave it at that.

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  • retroneo
    Oct 8, 12:34 AM
    All great things. People know the Android phones are made by google.

    Over here, they brand the Samsung and HTC phones as Google powered with the Google logo, and don't mention Android.

    Google has a comprehensive suite of services that no-one else can match as yet and I don't see Apple starting a 10 year effort to build up a similar suite of services or collection of information.

    Apple IMO needs to maintain a good relationship with Google.

    Bing/Microsoft Live and Yahoo are still not up to the standard of Google's services. MobileMe and cover such a tiny fraction of Googles services and are still very incomplete for the areas they do cover.

    Sep 20, 08:40 AM
    Come to think of it it is possible that the iTV is in fact an iPod underneath. Might explain some of those persistent wireless ipod rumours and that rumour about an iPod with a 'non-touch' interface.

    Just idle thoughts... :)

    Apr 22, 08:28 PM
    Because the concept of earth and life just happening to explode into existence from nothing comes from logic and reason?


    You referring to the big bang, or those reported six days?

    Oct 7, 07:00 PM
    The iPhone clearly has the traction and the momentum. Unless Apple builds a clunky square with a cheap keyboard and a lousy screen that barley has room for a giant clock, the iPhone will remain king. See who laughs last when iPhone crosses 100M units sold.

    Oh BTW, did I mention they have the App Store. The ecosystem is well defined and by the time 2012 comes around they App Store will have over 100,000 apps.
    Sep 12, 06:38 PM
    Wow, a TON OF YOU totally miss the iTV purpose, to stream content FROM YOUR MAC! That's why no tuner, no storage, no anything!! Does Airport Express have storage, an antenna, etc?!? NO!!!

    I love this! I want one today! I'm going to get a huge HD, maybe two of them and start my stored media collection on my G5 that I can wirelessly access in my HT room from the iTV's wireless remote!! I love it!! Music, Family photos in a slide show, eyegato to record HD programs!! Awesome!!!

    This so rocks and will make a ton of money for Apple! I can't wait, this is truly what I've been looking for as there's no HDMI out on my G5!!

    Exactly. Bingo. You've got the vision.

    Apr 15, 12:09 PM
    Right, because civil marriage is required for gays to have sex with each other. Nobody is forcing you to do anything. You can have sex with whomever you want to.

    No, civil marriage is not required for sex, but it sure is required for a whole lot of other things like protecting our kids and partners legally. I know you must think that's just horrible, but there you go.

    Right, lame jokes. Ok. Modern equivalent of female stand-up comics that used to joke about men leaving the toilet seat up.

    Real sophisticated.

    I don't think he meant it as a joke. A friend of mine got AIDS from a priest when he was under age. It's not funny.

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