
Thursday, May 19, 2011

queen elizabeth 2nd wedding dress

queen elizabeth 2nd wedding dress. [Queen Elizabeth II and Prince
  • [Queen Elizabeth II and Prince

  • gugy
    Sep 20, 01:38 PM
    The iTV makes the elgato eyetv hybrid even more appealing. :)

    Use it to record your shows and then stream it to the iTV.

    -bye bye comcast DVR.

    what about calling it the iStream (ha)

    yeah, that looks cool.
    I am seriously considering buying one. Plus get an external antena and get HDTV. sweet.:D
    But I would still keeping my dishnetwork DVR. I think it will take time to completely get rid off any cable/dvr package.
    The fact that the computer has to be on everytime I want to watch or record a show is somewhat a hassle.

    queen elizabeth 2nd wedding dress. queen elizabeth ii wedding
  • queen elizabeth ii wedding

  • manhattanboy
    May 5, 05:38 PM
    iphone user since day 1.. I was verizon prior.. I live in central NJ, commute into NYC.. my service is so awful that I no longer talk on the phone.. seriously, my communication habits have changed.

    At home, I drop literally half of my calls inside and out, on the road, a little less but still a joke by any standard. If you check the map, I live in a high coverage, full 3G zone, it's not like I live in the sticks....

    When I first upgraded to the 3GS from my 2G, I noticed a marked improvement so I thought maybe it was the original 2G phone, but now, over the last few weeks the service has gotten so bad that I am ready to dump it and move on. I really just need a phone that works and doesn't give me high blood pressure every time I pick it up to get on a call.

    The problem is that the iPhone and some of the apps I utilize have become integral parts of my workflow, so it won't be an easy change.

    Yesterday I called AT&T for the first time in months and just yelled at everyone I could until I was good and satisfied. I've already gotten them to give me refunds (several time) it's not about the money anymore.

    I just really wish they'd invest some of the loads of cash they're taking to upgrade their network, especially in the busiest metro areas that are the hardest hit. Or perhaps maybe even invent a new method relieve pressure on their network (something along the lines of the micro-cell but more widespread)?

    They should also RUSH the micro cell to all markets immediately, and GIVE it to people! Seriously.. for the money we pay, they should GIVE the microcell away to anyone on AT&T who will take it. It will relieve pressure on their network and possibly save them from additional towers.

    The device is cheap comparatively .. and we are the ones who are paying for the internet connection that it utilizes! For the nearly $6,000 I've given AT&T over the last 3 years (we have 3 iPhones on a plan) I think it's only fair they give us a service that at the very least they are trying to improve.

    You are talking logically and trying to make sense of what AT&T is doing.
    Good luck with that!
    Now that the 3G iPad is out, you can say goodbye to those fast data speeds.
    AT&T blows, but that said, I have noticed faster connection rates with phones other than the iPhone using the same sim, just never in NYC.

    queen elizabeth 2nd wedding dress. Queen Elizabeth II Wedding
  • Queen Elizabeth II Wedding

  • myamid
    Sep 12, 06:54 PM
    That is by NO MEANS CERTAIN!!! Think about it: FrontRow's Remote will work through this device communicating with the desktop to load content. iTV itself connects directly to the web and to iTunes to get trailers, etc.

    It is VERY feasible that a widget, or external USB device, of some sort will allow PVR (like elgato) to work via remote back to the software on the server. This would not be a difficult addon.

    It's not certain, but It's a damn good bet that it won't record as it doesn't look like it'll have any storage... I wouldn't bet a dime on recording ability...

    queen elizabeth 2nd wedding dress. of Queen Elizabeth II)
  • of Queen Elizabeth II)

  • Hellhammer
    Mar 13, 08:08 AM
    What is the alternative to nuclear power? These green ways of producing electricity cost a lot more and what I've heard, they can't provide enough power. Plus they don't work everywhere (not enough sun or wind in here for example).

    Whether it's a good move to build nuclear plants near tectonic plate joints, that's another question. We don't have seismic activity in here so such natural catastrophes aren't a concern.

    queen elizabeth 2nd wedding dress. queen elizabeth ii wedding.
  • queen elizabeth ii wedding.

  • mjstew33
    Jul 12, 12:42 AM
    Same here, I am ready to buy a Mac Pro. :)
    But why?

    You have a MacBook Pro AND a PowerMac G5 DUAL 2.3GHz.

    What the hell do you do that requires such a powerful machine? :rolleyes:

    queen elizabeth 2nd wedding dress. queen elizabeth 2 wedding
  • queen elizabeth 2 wedding

  • alfonsog
    Mar 18, 10:11 AM
    I believe nobody is abusing the system; instead, it's the system -unlimited, 2GB, 4Gb, whatever- that is unable to cope with the different needs. As AT&T can monitor the usage of the databand, just give us a plan where we pay based in usage, for example $5 for each block of 1GB, and be done with it!

    That seems like the best and most fair system for users and the company. Pay for what you use. Of course the company makes a lot more profit by overselling plans and hoping people underuse the minutes and/or data.

    As for the unlimited plan I'm sure they can phase out the grandfathering, they can choose not to renew your 2-year contract and force you to sign a new one. They just don't want to risk losing a customer for now, but then again where else can you go; Verizon said they will be dropping the unlimited soon as well.

    The contracts are technically legal but at the same time probably the whole exclusivity is against some kind of monopoly law that is rarely enforced. Verizon hasn't affected pricing, so there is really no competition if you want an iPhone. Maybe if it was offered with every carrier. If we had some government regulation and oversight and a national based cell phone tower infrastructure we wouldn't be so far behind other advanced countries and be able to offer the iPhone on all carriers. Also I'd rather pay unsubsidized price and do what I want with it.

    queen elizabeth 2nd wedding dress. Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth II#39;s
  • Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth II#39;s

  • gatearray
    Apr 20, 05:25 PM
    "Few customers want to be a system's integrator."


    queen elizabeth 2nd wedding dress. Queen Elizabeth II,
  • Queen Elizabeth II,

  • jegbook
    Apr 12, 03:30 PM
    What if I just want my top 10 favorites? In Windows I just drag the icon (of whatever I want) to the Start button, then drop it into the list of my favorites (I'm not sure of the actual term for this). Can this be done on a Mac?

    Since I open the same 10 or 12 programs or folders or files many times throughout the day, every day, this is pretty important to me. It would absolutely mess up my work flow to lose this feature.

    If this already got covered, I apologize.

    Sounds like a job for the Dock. The default mode of the Windows 7 Taskbar is very Dock-like. They both generally seem like a handy place to keep your most commonly used applications.
    (I Win 7, you Pin to the Taskbar with the default behavior, which turns the whole Taskbar into a Quicklaunch area. Though it is possible to revert to XP-like behavior with a Quicklaunch and worded application references to the right of the Quicklaunch.)

    I don't use the right side of the Dock in anything but "Folder" and "List" view. I still miss how Tiger (OS 10.4.x) treated Aliases (shortcuts) of folders: you could see the actual contents of the folder you aliased. Since Leopard, it just allows you to open the folder in a new Finder window. Poo. I created folders with aliases to all of my applications as I've categorized them for years.
    (For the record, aliases and shortcuts are similar, but not the same. Worth googling to confirm the subtle differences.)

    Strict keyboard navigation is tougher. If you like it, be sure to turn on Full Keyboard access for All Controls in the Keyboard Shortcuts section of the Keyboard Preference Pane.

    I miss the split window of Windows Explorer: Folder List on the left, contents on the right. I use Column View most of the time for Finder Windows (Command-3) and sometimes List View (Command-2) if I'm specifically interested in file/folder details. I don't think there are any third party navigation tools that replicate that, either.

    If your're getting a laptop, the trackpad is awesome. Nothing like it in Windows that I'm aware of.

    I think Control Panels are easier and more straightforward in OS X, called System Preferences with Preference Panes. I think Control Panels got even more convoluted with Vista/Win7 from XP. That said, the Windows gives much more granularity of control than OS X, but many things can be modified with some third party help (you HAVE to check out Tinker Tool).

    Is it worth it? Hard to say. If you spend most of your computing in an office with Windows computers in a Windows domain? I say not worth switching. You *can* do everything, but I find it often a little more time consuming than I find it in Windows.
    If most of your computing is for personal use and/or you're not integrating into a Windows domain environment? Then I'd say whatever software you need to run and personal preference can drive the decision.

    Good luck!

    queen elizabeth 2nd wedding dress. Queen Elizabeth II.
  • Queen Elizabeth II.

  • celo48
    May 5, 10:43 PM
    I am not a big fan of AT&T either but how come T-Mobile does better than AT&T , I do not know.

    AT&T is not THAT bad. I know it is better than T-Mobile at least.

    queen elizabeth 2nd wedding dress. to Queen Elizabeth
  • to Queen Elizabeth

  • Marx55
    Oct 26, 03:09 AM

    Multitasking, multiprocessor, multithreading Mac OS X and applications are needed right now and will be much needed in the future.

    Because microprocessors will evolve not with more Mhz, but basically with more cores and more microprocessors per Mac.

    And the same on Linux and Windows. So, hopefully, default true multithreading is around the corner. Or else all this power will be wasted for most applications.


    queen elizabeth 2nd wedding dress. Queen Elizabeth II with Prince
  • Queen Elizabeth II with Prince

  • Liquorpuki
    Mar 13, 05:09 PM
    We don't need nuclear, or coal or oil for that matter.

    A large (think 100milesx100miles) solar array in death valley for example, could power the entire Continental US.

    No it couldn't. That would require grid energy storage technology that currently hasn't been invented yet.

    Look up base load generation. There are only a few sources of generation that fall under this category. Nuclear and coal are among them. Most renewables are not.

    queen elizabeth 2nd wedding dress. elizabeth 2 wedding dress.
  • elizabeth 2 wedding dress.

  • fat phil
    Apr 13, 09:28 AM
    The product looks good for what it is, and I read most of the comments here... while I'm not a video guy I am an artist and IT professional and I do have to agree that Apple is strangely moving away from the core pro market that was very loyal. I have seen more and more artists move back to PCs lately and even though I have been moving the other direction, I can't fully blame them.

    I know Apple has a plan and they stick to their guns, but I just think they may be shooting themselves in the foot by going so fully consumer market. Avid has a lot more as far as hardcore features and scalability. Apple has basically dropped their server line and they are on a path of dumbing down many apps to fit a more iPad/App market. They are still powerful and "pro" apps but much of the scalability and truly "pro" features seem to be dwindling day by day. That's my concern.

    I don't think they're deliberately setting out to hurt the Pro users in this case - they genuinely think they've found a better way to work. If it's true then it's all good.

    Even if they were trying to open up the userbase, it doesn't take Stephen Hawkins to figure out why they'd want to.

    2,000,000 Pro users @ $600
    10,000,000 "casual" users + 2,000,000 Pro users @ $300

    Yeah. I'd do it too...:)

    queen elizabeth 2nd wedding dress. for Queen Elizabeth II,
  • for Queen Elizabeth II,

  • Squire
    Sep 20, 08:56 AM
    This may the furture as Apple sees it, but I really hope not. If it were, it wouldn't work in the UK. No way.

    No, I am not already paying for the that episode of Lost. In the UK, it is broadcast on C4 & E4, which are commercial, free (non-subscription) and stations. And jolly good they are too. The compulsary TV licence fee we pay all goes to the BBC (bless them).

    The day that Apple replaces my need for EyeTV will be the day that every single TV programme is available on iTunes (from Lost to Coronation Street, from Dr Who to Local News) for free. And not even Apple can make that happen. I don't think they are idealistic or stupid enough.


    It's too bad I couldn't have included a rising intonation arrow in my question ending in "...aren't you?" because I wasn't sure. Now I know and thanks for clearing that up. Of course, it's a moot point if Apple continues to offer TV shows to a US-only audience.


    queen elizabeth 2nd wedding dress. queen elizabeth 2nd wedding
  • queen elizabeth 2nd wedding

  • larrybeo
    Mar 18, 09:43 AM
    People who complain that your service provider is going to make you follow the ru:eek:les unnerve me with their uncanny ability to disregard all that stands to reason with the sustainability of your "toys." They are like little sissies on the playground crying after a Barbie Doll has been taken from them. Those people should man up and start paying for the footprint they leave on the network.

    queen elizabeth 2nd wedding dress. queen elizabeth ii wedding
  • queen elizabeth ii wedding

  • DeathChill
    Apr 20, 09:18 PM
    I don't. I just don't have OS/X. I just assumed that OS/X might not have it since some OS/X users here were confused about Windows hiding system files. :)

    So wait, you don't own a Mac or an iDevice but you post here constantly?

    queen elizabeth 2nd wedding dress. our now Queen Elizabeth II
  • our now Queen Elizabeth II

  • Multimedia
    Sep 26, 06:09 PM
    And the wait for 8 Core Mac Pros and Merom MacBook Pros/MaBook is on. Waiting for speed bumps means no one buys a dang thing.It's also not just speed bumps. I want a MBP redesign that includes a better cooling system and an easy access HD Bay like in the MB. Lots of good reasons to be waiting. It's the IN thing to do right now. We're the IN Crowd. :Dat least the educated do not.... Well... it's amazing that now every dual core computer is obsolete, and every single core computer is like an Apple II compared to this.Yes but that 2.7GHz DP G5 of yours is a keeper. The fastest last classic G5 DP on the planet. Kudos to you for hanging on to it. If I were you I would NEVER sell it. Should become a family heirloom. Wish I had one.

    queen elizabeth 2nd wedding dress. queen elizabeth 2 wedding
  • queen elizabeth 2 wedding

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 23, 04:41 PM
    There are plenty of gods, and goddesses too, but none of them is real.

    I know a few, they are surgeons and oncologists.

    Just ask their patients. ;)

    queen elizabeth 2nd wedding dress. of Queen Elizabeth II tied
  • of Queen Elizabeth II tied

  • aegisdesign
    Sep 20, 05:57 AM
    If Apple could include at least a DVD burner and ideally a DVR hard disk as well, then I could actually start replacing the other machines I have rather than just adding to them and cluttering up my living room.

    Er, that's what your Mac is for.

    All these calls for adding tuners, hard drives and burners are missing the point. Those functions belong in the host computer. iTV is just a method of getting the content from your Mac/PC to your stereo or TV.

    In Microsoft terms, it's a media center extender, nothing more, albeit a pretty one.

    If it's got a hard disk in it that's used for anything more than caching your iTunes Library file and thumbnails, I'd be very surprised.

    queen elizabeth 2nd wedding dress. queen elizabeth 2nd wedding
  • queen elizabeth 2nd wedding

  • fleggy
    Mar 18, 10:04 AM
    Even if your lawyer is somehow able to pull a Harry's Law and convince a court to rule that way, the end result is guaranteed to be that no US wireless carrier will ever offer an unlimited smartphone data plan again.

    Big win.

    Firstly - I am no lawyer, and will not pretend to be.

    Absolutely agree with this (above). AT&T or any other carrier are not required by law to sell you something. "Management reserve the right to sell".

    I am also confused by folks stating that "unlimited means unlimited". How are you going to enforce this? By sighting the same contract you think can be ripped up? You can't pick and choose the paragraphs to suit your viewpoint/case.

    The outcome will be simple...AT&T will hold their hands up - they got it wrong, and when contracts end, they will refuse to renew them (goodbye GF plans).

    Sure - if you manage to win this class action before your contract ends, then you may get a little unlimited tethering for a while, but even if signing today...2 years? No chance. It will take years. Very short sighted, me thinks.

    Mar 27, 06:54 PM
    Some quotes from Nicolosi ...

    I think it's pretty safe to say that Nicolosi is anti-gay.

    But I do think there is a place in this world for therapists to work with people who feel conflicted with their sexual orientation. Heck, we accept that people can change gender ... why not sexual preference as well? In either case it's important that this would come from the patient's desire to change and not from the therapists desire to change them.

    Apr 9, 10:37 AM
    My kids would love that, too. Only problem would be trying to get my iPhone or iPad away from them! ;)

    And would you pay $40 for it? I'm guessing you would.

    Nintendo has really valuable IP that it would be wonderful to see on the iOS platform.

    Apr 9, 03:48 AM
    Great news. Bring on more Infinity Blade-esque games! :D

    I really hope you're joking. There's quite a few games on the appstore with comparable graphics, yet also with great gameplay to boot- unlike the tech demo that infinityblade is.

    Mar 18, 12:29 PM
    I wonder how long it'll be until Apple comes up with a fix for this?

    iTunes SP2??? I kid, I kid.

    Aug 29, 04:04 PM
    Greenpeace are terrorists. I have seen them endanger human life for the sake of an environment that does a pretty good job of taking care of itself. I laugh at their hitlists. Hahahahaha. :|

    Capitalism thrives on being able to recycle resources, but it must be profitable in the first place to become feasible. You can't expect companies to take large hits on their bottom line to appease the Greenpeace crowd (not that they couldn't afford it, that would just go against the policy of capitalism). You can, however, expect them to do whatever is in their power to make business as efficient and clean as possible, mostly because it's cheaper in the long run. That's what Apple does. We really can't ask for anything more, unless we're willing to see them pack up and move to India.

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