
Sunday, May 22, 2011

six flags logo

six flags logo. el toro six flags logo.
  • el toro six flags logo.

  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 10:13 AM
    What hateful nonsense.

    Everything is hate to people like you. It makes it impossible to have any kind of conversation.

    Difference of opinion != Hate

    six flags logo. el toro six flags logo.
  • el toro six flags logo.

  • SolarJ
    Apr 6, 09:44 AM
    What if I just want my top 10 favorites? In Windows I just drag the icon (of whatever I want) to the Start button, then drop it into the list of my favorites (I'm not sure of the actual term for this). Can this be done on a Mac?

    Since I open the same 10 or 12 programs or folders or files many times throughout the day, every day, this is pretty important to me. It would absolutely mess up my work flow to lose this feature.

    A way around this is to create shortcuts (make alias) in a new folder of the applications you use most and put the folder in the dock and set the folder to a grid pattern.

    Switched almost three years ago! However I still use Parallels to operate windows specific programs.

    six flags logo. green lantern six flags logo.
  • green lantern six flags logo.

  • balamw
    Feb 11, 07:56 PM
    Calendar that automatically synch with Google calendar. No extra fees for Mobile Me..and works absolutely perfectly! Unlike Mobile Me..which I had.

    Same for Gmail..instant notification!

    If you don't need to access an Exchange server, you can do this with Google Sync on the iPhone.

    EDIT: I'm not keeping track, but did they ever get around to fixing the memory storage on the droid so you can have more than 256 MB of apps? The microSD is kind of useless if you can't you know use it.


    six flags logo. el toro six flags logo.
  • el toro six flags logo.

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 13, 04:44 PM
    ... and because of the US preventing alternative sources we are depending on Russia which had been a consistent supplier for more than half a century

    A deal for the Berlin Wall? :rolleyes:

    six flags logo. el toro six flags logo.
  • el toro six flags logo.

  • ChrisA
    Sep 26, 12:08 PM
    What incentive does anyone ever have to buy if they keep announcing new chips?

    What incentive? Money. If you need to get some work out to a client you need to have some kind of computer. For example we bought a new Dual Xeon system with 4GB RAM and a set of SCSI disks because the old box was "way slow" now I can do many more Build/Test/Debug cycles every day. Yes there are now even faster boxes but I've gotten much more work done that had we waited would not have gotten done. The $4500 computer paid for it self rather quickly

    On the other hand if a computer is to be used as a game console and media player you can never justify the price. It's just a toy and you buy it with "disposable" income with no hope of a return on the investment

    But most of these Mac Pros are sold to people who at least hope to make more money with the machine than they spent for it. So for most users waiting is simply to expensive.

    Also solid state drives are needed to properly service the I/O needs. Why NOT put a solid state SATA drive in one slot on a MacPro so you can use it for a swap space?

    How many "page outs" per second does your system do? If you have enough RAM not many. Even those few writes DO go into RAM. There is likey a large RAM cache built into the disk drive. As for "page ins" they mostly come from your Applcations Folder, not the swap space. Mac OSX is smart enough to know that it does not need to write RAM pages to swap space if the RAM page contains only executable code. If you want to make the system go faster you would put your applactions in the solid state SATA so as to speed up page ins. But if space is limited a better way would be to put only the applactions you are currently using in the solid state SATA but to go even faster why not skip the bottleneck of the SATA interface and put the RAM that would have gone into the solid state SATA on your system bus. This is what modern computers do. They maintain a RAM cache of the disk(s). With the data (cache of the disk) in system RAM it need not even move. The OS simply does some "magic" with mapping registers and the data appera to move without need of any physical copy. A write to a register is more than 1000 times faster then moving data off a sold state SAYA drive.

    The ONLY cases where a solid state SATA disk could improve performance is (1) if you have already maxed out the computer's system RAM and need to add even more. So either your Mac Pro is at 16MB or you imac is at 3GB and you need more. or (2) You have a huge abount of dta to process and you put the data in the solid state drive. This means the drive will be hugely expensive. Cheaper to use something like a SAN storage.

    six flags logo. green lantern six flags logo.
  • green lantern six flags logo.

  • sunfast
    Sep 20, 03:46 AM
    If Iger is correct and iTV has a hard drive.. then I beleive iTV could serve as an external iTunes Library server/device. Authorized computers can access and manage it using iTunes (running as a client). iTS downloads, podcasts, imported physical CDs, etc would all be stored on iTV.

    Look at your hard drive usage, Music takes up a significant amount of it. Why does it need to be kept on your local machine if iTV provides a network?

    That would be sweet. I hate having to keep plugging and unplugging an external HDD into my MacBook.

    six flags logo. green lantern six flags logo.
  • green lantern six flags logo.

  • MacBacker
    Mar 18, 04:17 AM
    This is why I bought the Nexus One.
    Although I'm afraid I might be forced to let go my grand-fathered unlimited data plan in the near future. Does anybody know if adding a line and converting both it and my line into a family plan will kick me out of the grand-fathered unlimited data plan?

    No, you can have a separate data plan for family plans. I have what you are going to sign up for plus another 2 lines and all our data plans are different.

    six flags logo. six flags logo. El+toro+logo+six+flags; El+toro+logo+six+flags. SteveRichardson. Jul 27, 10:27 AM. MBPs the end of august? I START school in the end of
  • six flags logo. El+toro+logo+six+flags; El+toro+logo+six+flags. SteveRichardson. Jul 27, 10:27 AM. MBPs the end of august? I START school in the end of

  • lilo777
    Apr 20, 09:03 PM
    Just curious what NFC does in any Android device currently?

    Of course you can work hard to drain the phones battery but LTE is draining the phones battery without trying. Nothing wrong with that, but Apple focuses on a single model and they have a set of requirements that they wish to achieve (battery life being awesome is one of them!).

    If you don't like it, don't buy it, I guess?

    Quote: "Google has begun distributing stickers with near field communication (NFC) technology to businesses throughout Austin, Texas as part of its Google Places roll out. The stickers allow users to tap their NFC-equipped phone on the sticker and access content and information relevant to the local business.

    The stickers are manufactured by Smartag and measure 80mm x 50mm (3.15 in x 1.97 in) in size. Users who have the Google Places app on their smartphones will be able to see the business' address, phone number, hours of business, types of payment accepted, reviews, and more. The user also has the ability to rate and review the business right from their mobile device. They will then receive personalized recommendations in their search results based on their preferences."

    So OSX allows user access to all critical files with no option to hide?

    I believe so. I am not aware of any other OS but Windows that has this feature.

    six flags logo. six flags great america map
  • six flags great america map

  • Multimedia
    Oct 26, 10:35 AM
    Hey guys we should hold out for 128 cores. Apple will make it soon. I guess16 cores in 2007
    32 cores in 2008
    64 cores in 2009
    128 cores in 2010

    You want to wait 'til 2010 at the soonest? :rolleyes:

    six flags logo. six flags magic mountain logo.
  • six flags magic mountain logo.

  • aegisdesign
    Sep 20, 06:56 AM
    Yeah Ok, thats fine, but then I also need a machine to get content from my TV/tuner/satelite to my Mac.

    Nope. That's what ElGato's EyeTV does. If Apple and ElGato can come together and add EyeTV support into iTV and Front Row over the next few months then you can chuck away your TV tuner, Freeview and stick your sat box hidden away next to your computer.

    Then all you need under your TV is an iTV.

    As I understand it, iTV is only for wireless streaming in one direction. If I need a cable to get broadcast programmes into my Mac, then I may as well use that cable to get the content back onto my TV!

    Bingo. And that's why iTV doesn't include a TV tuner - you've already got one.

    six flags logo. six flags magic mountain logo.
  • six flags magic mountain logo.

  • LethalWolfe
    Apr 13, 04:00 AM
    I have absolutely no idea what people complaining here about it going non-pro is talking about.

    Did you even watch the coverage? Or did you just look at screenshots?
    Some pro-style questions that have been left unanswered:
    What about XML and EDLs in and out of FCP X?

    What about multicam and multi-clips?

    Can I turn the �magnetic timeline� off?

    Can I turn all the pre-processing that happens on ingest off (if I'm intentionally shaking the camera I *don't* want FCP to auto-stabilize it)?

    How does media management work?

    Is there a Media Manager tool?

    Can I remap the keyboard?

    Is there a better title tool?

    What about multi-user environments?

    Is the app as mouse-centric as it appears to be?

    Are all settings global or can I have project specific settings (such as telling FCP that the capture scratch for Project A is in folder A and the capture scratch for Project B is in folder B)?

    I could go on but I think I've made my point. Now, all of this stuff is pretty mundane to cover the first time they show off the app so I'm not surprised it wasn't mentioned. FCP X still has a lot more questions than answers right now, IMO. I can't wait to learn more about it though.


    six flags logo. el toro six flags logo.
  • el toro six flags logo.

  • dontwalkhand
    Apr 9, 12:49 AM
    Why doesnt Apple allow you to plug a controller in the 30 pin adaptor? Wouldnt that be the best of both worlds?

    Because they do not want games that only work if you buy the controller.

    six flags logo. six flags great america logo.
  • six flags great america logo.

  • dgree03
    Apr 28, 08:56 AM
    Ahh. Any proof, or just making up stuff?

    Best thing I could find

    six flags logo. six flags logo. with Six Flags
  • six flags logo. with Six Flags

  • ~Shard~
    Oct 28, 10:32 AM
    I don't know if Intel ever changed it, but one of the historical reasons you couldn't make a scalable multi-cpu x86 system is that x86s did bus snooping. Once you got more than ~3-4 x86s on the same bus the bus would be saturated by snooping traffic and there would be little room for real data. I think that's why Intel is pushing multi-core so much, it's a hack to work around Intel's broken bus. The RISC cpus (MIPS et al) didn't do that, that's why all the high cpu count systems used them.

    Interesting, I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for the info. :cool:

    six flags logo. six flags over georgia logo.
  • six flags over georgia logo.

  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 27, 09:52 AM
    Exactly what I was going to say.

    <high five>

    That particular assumption is one of my pet peeves. :D

    (The assumption that God is the Christian version.)

    six flags logo. six flags over texas logo. six
  • six flags over texas logo. six

  • acearchie
    Apr 13, 05:14 AM
    Some of those questions actually were answered (for example that full keyboard control has been retained) and others are more or less no-brainers (like the stabilization question - you can enable/disable and even fine-tune that even in the dumbed-down iMovie, so why shouldn't you be able to do that in Final Cut).

    Does that mean that all the features will be retained then since if I can currently operate a tool from my keyboard in FCP7 then surely that same tool will be available in FCPX.

    On a side note Lethal wanted to know whether the keyboard was programmable not if it was the same layout.

    Full keynote has been uploaded to YouTube -
    Part 1:

    Hmmm could have been positioned better personally but it�s better than nothing!

    six flags logo. Six Flags Crystal beach new
  • Six Flags Crystal beach new

  • Therbo
    May 2, 09:41 AM
    Please, enlighten us how "Unix Security" is protecting you here, more than it would on Windows ? I'd be delighted to hear your explanation.

    A lot of people trumpet "Unix Security" without even understanding what it means.

    The Unix Permission system, how a virus on Windows can just access your system and non-owned files, where Unix/Linux dosen't like that.

    But of course it dosen't protect agaisn't bad passwords or stupidity.

    six flags logo. green lantern six flags logo.
  • green lantern six flags logo.

  • milbournosphere
    Apr 15, 09:08 AM
    Personally, I think it's great. However, they should be careful. Moves like this have the potential to alienate customers. That said, props to the employees.

    six flags logo. six flags over texas logo. six
  • six flags over texas logo. six

  • Multimedia
    Oct 30, 09:26 PM
    This doesn't have anything to do with the new machines, but does anybody have in inkling of how to get extra drive sleds for a MacPro?

    Apple sales has been more than useless when I ask them about it.

    You would think a 3rd Party would come with some knockoff. I would buy 4 right off the bat. Sheesh, it's just metalwork. Somebody ought to make one.I don't, but that's an excellent question. I could see wanting those myself. Have you asked third parties like WiebeTech ( about it yet?

    May 5, 12:07 PM
    Two weeks ago my service was flaking out. Couldn't make calls or get to 3G all day. Wasn't too happy. Wentthe AT&T store to go vent and the hottest clerk, I have ever seen, was working. She was so hot, she should have been over at VS in VS modellling something for me. wink, wink. nudge, nudge. ;) She said they were working on a go-live of 12 new towers. The engineers had screwed up the configs. So the new towers and some of the old towers weren't playing nice with network. I live in mostly Verizon country. AT&T has been making improvements out the whaz. They finalized the deal for Centennial Wireless. Alot of those towers flipped to ATT recently. So for me, my piece of the network got bigger & better. Now mind you this girl was so good looking she could have told me to set my iPhone on fire and I would have given it serious consideration. It seems like AT&T is trying to act like it cares. So back to mis hottie. I asked for her phone number. ANd she told me, 1-800-331-0500. I think she likes me.

    Apr 28, 02:57 PM
    Ever heard of the Mac Mini???

    The day Apple starts making Netbook quality computers I will start hating Apple.

    How good is a cheap computer when it works like crap? I know many people who bought cheap PCs and laptops, and when I tried to used them, it was very annoying how slow these were.

    Wait, is that the $700 computer that has a Core 2 Duo and no keyboard/mouse? :rolleyes:

    Apr 20, 06:57 PM
    Yeah! My battery lasts for upwards of two days. Definitely not comparable at all to an iPhone.

    Inferior interface is subjective, and you've given no reference so that comment is irrelevant.

    Name me one app that you have on your iPhone that doesn't have a similar if not identical app on the Android Market.

    No, it's not comparable to the iPhone.

    Interface: harsh colors, sharp geometrics, poor graphical enhancements, Windows-esque aesthetics.

    About that last one. There might be an Android app with identical functionality to an iPhone app, but it's how that functionality is presented to you that makes the difference. See, the App Store has quality control.

    Sep 20, 09:47 AM
    Since iTV most likely wont be a DVR device, I coughed up $700 today for a Sony DVR instead.
    I am sure Apple has a brilliant plan for the iTV, but I fail to see it.

    Jul 13, 07:17 AM
    Like I said, my laptop has a hotter CPU in it. I've yet to hear a good argument as to why a Conroe is too hot to put in an iMac when they had G5's in them not so long ago. If a Macbook can handle 35W then the much much bigger and thicker iMac can handle 65W.
    The below lists power consumed by the part, they are not TDP numbers (only part of the power consumed by a chip leaves the chip as heat, heat is what you have to dissipate and is what TDP attempts define).

    PPC 970fx power optimized part (@ 2GHz)
    40W average, 45-50 W max, 23 W throttle back (half frequency)

    PPC 970fx standard part (@ 2GHz)
    48W average, 55-60 W max, 29 W throttle back (half frequency)

    To me this puts the PPC 970fx below the TDP of a Conroe... I would say the TDP for the PPC 970fx (@2Ghz) is around 40 W (if not lower).Conroe might be possible for the iMac. But why redesign the motherboard when you can just DROP IN Merom where Yonah once was?

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