
Sunday, May 22, 2011

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  • wdogmedia
    Aug 29, 03:52 PM
    Even if, which I doubt, your theory of water vapour is correct - that does not give us the excuse to pollute this planet as we see fit. All industry and humans must clean up their act - literally.

    Some of what I said was theory, but every factual statement I gave was just that - factual. No climatologist would argue with any of the facts I's just that, as with statistics, the interpretation of the fact differs.

    And no, we have no excuse to pollute the planet....human actions proven to disrupt the environment (deforestation, toxic runoff, killing off animal species, etc.) should be stopped whenever possible. We are responsible for taking care of this planet, but at the same time we have to realize when advancements have been made. Our cars, boats, factories and city skies are infinitely more environmentally-friendly than they used to be, but if 30 years of industrial and personal "clean-up" have done nothing to stem global warming, it's only natural to wonder if maybe it's not us causing the problem.

    In other words, if we've streamlined our machinery to be 99% more efficient, is it worth it to spend the billions of dollars to get rid of that last 1% if our original effort has done nothing to the greenhouse effect?

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  • macman2790
    Sep 26, 01:28 AM
    man whats next 32 cores?

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  • Eidorian
    Jul 12, 02:11 PM
    If they can put that BURNING G5 into iMac, why not the Conroe?
    Putting 65 W hot processor in iMac enclosure isn't that difficult.Someone posted the BURNING G5's (970FX) wattage. Does anyone remember it?

    Edit: I'm getting 970FX wattages ranging from 25-47 watts.

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  • Winni
    Apr 21, 03:21 AM
    Android is to Windows, as iOS is to Mac OS.

    The similarities are astounding � Google is doing the same thing Microsoft did back in the day.

    As much as Apple cares about marketshare, the experience is more important to them then the product itself. That's really something.

    If they really cared that much about user experience, then iOS wouldn't be the Walled Garden that it is and iTunes wouldn't be such a royal pain in the neck to use.

    Just an anecdote from my last week with an iPhone and a first generation Google G1 phone (which I have to use when I'm on 7/24-on call-duty): I moved to a new house where I do not yet have a DSL line and also no 3G/UMTS connectivity. Both the iPhone and the G1 use Deutsche Telekom, and while the iPhone always tells me that "it cannot activate the data network", the G1 manages to give me Internet access at the same location with the same carrier.

    So in real world use, the iPhone lets me down while the Android phone does not.

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  • ksz
    Oct 12, 04:52 PM
    Here ya go:
    This is a really good deal. Ordered mine a few minutes ago for $1350+tax. Will use it with my home-built PC (nVidia 7800 GTX with dual-link DVI) until the next-gen Mac Pro is released.

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  • CalBoy
    Apr 22, 08:41 PM
    Because the concept of earth and life just happening to explode into existence from nothing comes from logic and reason?


    You are confusing the Big Bang Theory with current biochemical theories regarding primitive life with planetary formation. They are all independent working models of how events have unfolded in the past.

    The only thing they happen to have in common is stand in the way of stubborn beliefs.

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  • jegbook
    Apr 12, 03:47 PM
    Or press print-screen. It puts the screen capture on the clipboard instead of saving to the desktop, but just as easy. AFAIK there is no simple equiv. to cmd-shft-4. I usually open in Paint and crop.

    If you can get your fingers to do the gymnastics, command-control-shift-3 (or 4) will put your screen shot (or partial screen shot) to the Clipboard instead of a file to allow for pasting where you want to.


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  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 23, 04:24 PM
    You have to step back, in order to see the big picture.

    He could be standing in the middle of the Andromeda galaxy, and it would be of no value.

    So, all biblical days are Solar days?

    Perhaps God goes by a much longer passage of time for His days. ;)
    The point is that the word "day" is vague. Time measures change. But St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine, and Boethius believe that God is unchanging and unchangeable. Say they're right. Then the Bible is brimming with metaphors about him that many scientific atheists misinterpret when they take literally. Bible interpretation is much harder than many people think.

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  • SandynJosh
    May 2, 04:06 PM
    You're not quite understanding what I'm saying or the situation here. Safari auto-downloads a zip file, runs it through Archive Utility which extracts something and then runs it.

    It happens to be an installer this time. What if next time it's a malicious piece of code ? Why did it auto-execute, under what conditions and could these conditions be used to execute something other than an installer ?

    Think a bit beyond the current situation. The malware authors do.

    I think I understands what you are saying. However, for the sake of clarity, let me answer your question relating to "why it auto-executed." The Safari protection level needs to be set to "Allow 'Safe' files to be opened."

    This allows the Archive Utility to open the .zip file which contains the installation file to begin execution. Had the user not allowed this action, the file would never had made it to the user's computer without the user deliberate allowing it to be downloaded.

    Once the installer is running, it still needs the user to enter and password and authorize the installer to install the software. If the user doesn't have the computer's administrator password, then once more the malware is blocked.

    To address your other question, as to what conditions could malicious code get into OSX:

    1. First, the file would need to be considered "safe" to be allowed to auto-download and auto-open, AND the browser would need to be set to allow this.
    2. Then, like the case with the installer above, it would need to seek the user's permission to be installed. This again, required the complicity of the user, who would still need the administrator's password.

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  • citizenzen
    Apr 24, 10:03 AM
    Intelligence has something to do with it.

    Liberals and Atheists Smarter? Intelligent People Have Values Novel in Human Evolutionary History, Study Finds

    ScienceDaily (Feb. 24, 2010) ( — More intelligent people are statistically significantly more likely to exhibit social values and religious and political preferences that are novel to the human species in evolutionary history. Specifically, liberalism and atheism, and for men (but not women), preference for sexual exclusivity correlate with higher intelligence, a new study finds.

    The study, published in the March 2010 issue of the peer-reviewed scientific journal Social Psychology Quarterly, advances a new theory to explain why people form particular preferences and values. The theory suggests that more intelligent people are more likely than less intelligent people to adopt evolutionarily novel preferences and values, but intelligence does not correlate with preferences and values that are old enough to have been shaped by evolution over millions of years."

    "General intelligence, the ability to think and reason, endowed our ancestors with advantages in solving evolutionarily novel problems for which they did not have innate solutions," says Satoshi Kanazawa, an evolutionary psychologist at the London School of Economics and Political Science. "As a result, more intelligent people are more likely to recognize and understand such novel entities and situations than less intelligent people, and some of these entities and situations are preferences, values, and lifestyles."

    Data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) support Kanazawa's hypothesis. Young adults who subjectively identify themselves as "very liberal" have an average IQ of 106 during adolescence while those who identify themselves as "very conservative" have an average IQ of 95 during adolescence.

    Similarly, religion is a byproduct of humans' tendency to perceive agency and intention as causes of events, to see "the hands of God" at work behind otherwise natural phenomena. "Humans are evolutionarily designed to be paranoid, and they believe in God because they are paranoid," says Kanazawa. This innate bias toward paranoia served humans well when self-preservation and protection of their families and clans depended on extreme vigilance to all potential dangers. "So, more intelligent children are more likely to grow up to go against their natural evolutionary tendency to believe in God, and they become atheists."

    I think the last paragraph is a key to why atheists hold out for proof. We've seen time and time again over history where something that has been attributed to the supernatural or a God turned out to be quite natural.

    Likewise questions about the origins of the universe, that today seem utterly mysterious and unanswerable, may one day be resolved and explained within the natural confines.

    Atheists are loathe to latch on to supernatural conclusions when that camp has been proven wrong time and time and time again.

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  • Mikael
    Jul 12, 05:35 PM
    I find this whole discussion slightly amusing, mostly because of the apparent need to draw a distinction between "professional" and "consumer" based on slight clock frequency differences. To me, a professional platform is defined by its configurability and flexibility. A professional platform is simply one that can be configured to fit the customers every need. Although CPU performance is important, it's hardly what I'd call the defining factor of wether a system is to be regarded as "pro" or not.

    I don't see any reason why a cheaper Mac Pro with a single 2.4GHz Conroe couldn't remain a machine aimed at professionals. Or does it have to have an outrageous price tag to qualify?

    The whole concept of drawing a line between pro machines and machines for mere mortals seems a little "old". There's nothing really special about a PowerMac or Mac Pro anyway. Put a mid range CPU in the machine and it fits the regular consumer just as well as a professional not demanding the absolute top end CPU performance.

    Maybe I've been damaged by the PC worlds lack of "pro-obsession", but I think it's a healthier approach.

    Merom will underperform a Conroe under equal high loads because of thermal constraints (in unmodified systems).
    It will? Do you have any source for this info? An Intel rep has said that Merom and Conroe are identical, except for a few differences having to do with p-states. This is unlikely to hinder performance at full load, so where did you get this contradicting info?

    Also, the largest part of the power savings between Merom and Conroe are likely to come from reduced core voltage. You will probably be able to come very close to Merom power levels by simply reducing the core voltage of a similarly clocked Conroe.

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  • OllyW
    Apr 28, 08:18 AM
    The point is, it's Apple. It's where the entire market is headed.

    What do you mean by entire market? :confused:

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  • firestarter
    Mar 13, 08:47 AM
    I'm strongly in favour of nuclear.

    The Fukushima power plants have stood up remarkably well given the magnitude of earthquake that hit them - and this is with 40 year old technology.

    We mustn't let incidents of this type put us off implementing new reactors in the west - our future relies on abundant electrical power, and it really is the only viable route out of our reliance on fossil fuel.

    Renewables should also play a large part, but let's not forget that both wind turbines AND wave power rely on wind. No wind, no power. Without capacity to fill in the shortfalls in renewable energy supply, we have to have something like nuclear to form the bedrock of the generating landscape.

    in reality nothing has really changed in my opinion it was just another event showing how the risks simply can't really be anticipated and also how the nuclear industry likes to reap the profits while not having to insure angainst any disasters _what so ever_
    the society gets that burden + cost of potential failures

    Compared to what?

    Fossil fuel is a world of hurt in so many ways. From global warming to the politics of 'peak oil', Persian gulf wars, environmental damage caused by drilling, Gulf of Mexico oil spill, shale oil environmental damage etc. you could rewrite your sentence above as 'the oil industry likes to reap the profits...' and it would much more relevant. Are the oil industry paying for this? No!

    Human deaths from nuclear power issues are a drop in the ocean compared to the petrochemical industry and it's massive political fallout.

    'Renewables' are hardly without issue either. To make a decent amount of power you have to do it on a massive scale. What are your thoughts on the Chinese Three Gorges Dam?

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  • NathanMuir
    Mar 24, 09:58 PM
    From the article:

    "But states can and must regulate behaviours, including various sexual behaviours," he said.
    If I said this against blacks (I am of the opinion that one cannot choose their orientation any more than they can choose their race), would I not be 'persecuting' them according to that definition? What if I further said that being black was an abomination, or that being a 'practicing black' was a sin?

    We'd be in a world of **** if what people said could be considered physical acts of persecution.

    I suppose when someone says 'persecute' I think of actual acts of persecution. Not words that are protected, in the US at least, by the First Amendment.

    Now, if the Church was crucifying these people again, well, that would be a different situation entirely.

    I also agree that one cannot choose their sexuality. I've constantly and consistently voiced this opinion on this board.

    1. I'm not gay. Just putting that out there. :D

    Makes no difference to me.

    2. I guess it is hypocritical in a sense: They hate gays for being gay and I hate bigots for being bigoted. Whether or not that puts me on the same level as them is up to you, I guess.

    IMO, it does. A hypocritical statement is a hypocritical statement.

    Here's another way to word what I think dscuber9000 was trying to say ...

    When your beliefs about human nature are based in bigotry, then you will no longer be able to enforce laws based on those beliefs or publicly express your bigoted views without the risk of condemnation.

    You are free to keep them in your thoughts and in conversation with like-minded people. However, if aired publicly, you will probably be reminded of the fact that you are a bigot and wrong.

    I agree mostly.

    I disagree that they are wrong, in their minds of course.

    Are they wrong in your mind? Obviously. Are they wrong in my mind? Yes, because I don't agree with their views. Are they wrong in their minds? No, I don't think so if their views are sincerely held.

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  • technicolor
    Sep 21, 05:52 AM
    it won't have any dvr functionality... it'll just be frontrow on your tv, and nothing else. woopdee freaking doo

    I have no plans on purchasing this, unless its magically has DVR ability

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  • Silentwave
    Jul 13, 08:35 AM
    and to the whole merom/conroe debate......ok so Merom is more power efficient. Wonderful. As said a few posts ago, the iMac has the potential for real cooling. I don't care if there is little to no noticeable difference due to the faster FSB, it is there. I don't care if its not faster-per-mhz, because here the MHz DOES come into play- Conroe will be faster because Conroe IS faster- Merom tops out at 2.33GHz and Conroe has 2.4, 2.67, and though the TDP is higher, 2.93 and by the end of the year 3.2.
    So theres no need to say all that stuff- fact of the matter is you could put a faster chip in for the same price.

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  • monster620ie
    Apr 13, 05:48 AM
    I am upgrading from fcs3 to this.

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  • Drewnrupe
    Sep 12, 04:00 PM
    Please excuse me if I am missing something totally obvious here as I am a relatively new convert to Apple.

    This looks like a nice little solution but I am not sure its anything revoloutionary. I currently have an airport express in the bedroom connected to an eyehome unit that does the same job as far as i can see.

    Granted it cannot handle Purchased itunes songs ( which i can stream out of the airport directly though) and I guess therfore wont play itunes movies - but that is an apple restriction on ElGato.

    As far as TV goes though, this setup with an EyeTV 200 attached to the computer is effectively the Tivo Killer I keep hearing talk of - I certainly chose this route after discovering that the tivo lifetime licenses were not available any more and not wanting another bill every month.

    The apple box also would not work for me (as far as I could see) as I use a regular old TV in the bedroom without component inputs - just rca and s video.

    Plus I get the benefit of the airport express extending my wireless network into the bedroom so laptop access is great throughout the house now.

    Seems that downloaded movies arent going to be big in this house if i need to replace current hardware with something so similar that wont drive my TV (and who knows if it will pick up eyeTV programs either ) just to watch the purchased movies.

    So can someone enlighten me what was so different about the Eyehome and airport express combo that makes this new box so great ? ( I am really open to being convinced - dont usually have a problem talking myself ito new toys)

    Current setup Will be even better when this 700 G4 gets replaced by the new 24" imac arriving Friday ....... wasnt supposed to ship until the 18th !!!! Im Stoked


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  • ranviper
    Apr 12, 10:04 AM
    Actually, I do think this would bug me. I love that I have all of my most used programs (Word, Excel, Photoshop, Lightroom, Notepad, etc, plus one particular folder) right there for easy access with 1 click of the Start button -- yet hidden away completely out of sight (until I click on Start). I also love having quick access to my "Recent Items" list, to quickly open a file I was recently working on.

    How are the above 2 things done on a Mac?

    eek... I use "alt-tab" and "copy & paste" A LOT! :eek:

    Doesn't Mac have these things too? :confused:

    Actually the mac dock id essential the same as the windows start menu. The difference is you can put it essentially anywhere on the screen (use an app called deeper to help with this) and you can have as many apps as your heart desires. Folders and stacks as well. AND, you say out of site? Hide the dock. Easy.

    Mac OS also has the recent items and "alt" tab and such. Command usually takes place of alt and/or control in mac os however. Or the apple key on older keyboards. Cheers.

    Mar 13, 06:52 AM
    So I heard you like Caesium-137 in your air.

    May 6, 01:59 AM
    I have been with Sprint, T-Mobile and Now AT&T. Moving to AT&T the day after the release of the 2G iPhone.

    How can this story be marked as new?!?

    For the past 3 years I have told it like it is....

    The iPhone is the best device on the planet: on the worst possible network!

    With huge profit sharing, I feel Apple will never leave AT&T.

    I will continue to use my 3G until the day they release of version 4.

    Aug 29, 11:48 AM
    I could not care any less.

    Although, I do know of one thing Apple does that hurts the environment. They make me drive 3 hours to get to the closest Apple Store and 3 hours to get back home plus sitting in all the traffic in Atlanta. However, I drive a Nissan Armada (of course it has a V8) so I'm not too worried about gas consumption. ;)

    Oct 15, 07:10 PM
    Some conventions are worth adopting, if only for the reasons they are created. For instance, when writing in the English language, the convention is to begin at the left, with each sentence starting with an upper case letter.

    Now, I have no evidence to guide me here, but I suspect you're either lazy, or your shift key has broken on your keyboard. PCs do tend to ship with poor, cheap keyboards based on a thirty year old design.

    But the important thing is that no matter if your points were in some small way credible, by presenting them the way you have, you've rendered the possibility of their credibility less easy to discern.

    Thank you for participating. The exit is on the left and the keyboard repair service is next to the typing 101 class.

    However, I love Google for many reasons. However, none of them is not that they make great hardware, support great software, support great hardware, or understand how to do any of these.

    Google's support of Adroid is both admirable and, to a large extent altruistic, as well as an attempt to expand into other markets. But like Amazon, they don't understand the game. The kindle, for instance is actually useless as a textbook medium, yet this hasn't stopped Bezos from hawking it as such.

    Apple's iPhone works because it has lineage, in terms of history, hardware and software development, and integrity, as well as reliability, developer support and marketing advantage. iMac begat PowerBook Ti, begat iPod, begat iPhone. NeXT begat Darwin, begat Mac OS X, begat iPhone OS. None of this is an accident. Apple designed this process. And they began in 1997 - if not earlier.

    Android only began as a techie wet dream in and is the 21st Century answer to the Kibbutz, or workers' collective. Both were very optimistic ideas with worthy ideals. But both failed because they relied upon a greater input of encouragement and resources than they were ever capable of producing in terms of meaningful contribution or profits.

    I'm sure there may well come a day when there are 125,000 developers working on Android applications. There may even be 85,000 applications available for the Android platform too - from some dark corners of the net. But no matter how many manufacturers jump on the Android handset bandwagon, none of them will come close to creating a coherent user-base, or to matching Apple's business model.

    And that, my dear typographically challenged friend is the key here. Ultimately, numbers are irrelevant if they only represent a fragmented 'diaspora' of the Android faithful. The sum total will only ever be quotable as a statistic.

    it's funny how you're complaining about sentence structure, when it's clear you can't even read...

    read post #134, incase you're too retarded to scroll,
    here you go

    Ya, Don't get me wrong, I own an iPhone, and I can't really see anything coming close to it in the next few years.
    And it's not that big of a deal if google takes over when it comes to market share, especially when they're giving android away for free.. (from a phone manufacturer point of view, it's saving them money)

    IMO, Google knows that it's gonna be pretty hard for them to increase revenue from anywhere except advertising, and they want to allow people who (for whatever reason) choose not to buy an iphone, still a chance to browse then net easily to click on their adds...

    17% of phones sold last year were smartphones, and I think thats going to increase year over year.. and regardless of what hardware you have, all google wants is more and more people on the internet, since they dominate online search.. (Bing is losing market share as we speak, and they're the only company with deep enough pockets to take a stab at google (microsofts operating cashflow is around 20 Billion, apple is only around 10 Billion)
    and apple does not look like they will ever try to tackle google when it comes to search..

    and personally, if there are over 30 phones running on android, it wouldn't be too hard to believe that for every one person that buys an iphone, there might be two people who purchase a phone that runs on android..

    but again, I think people assume that this means apple will be inferior in some way because they will not dominate the market share..and this is not true..
    they will continue to make a great product..and at the end of the day, it will inspire other companies to make better products..

    and I know I just blabed on, but about the last part of your post.. I think it would be really hard to see who is making more money,
    because google does not receive cash for android, but apple gains income from each iphone sale..
    but google indirectly makes money off any smartphone that can access the internet (assuming they use google search)

    at the end of the day, I like both companies for the service they provide.. I don't have a beef with apple in any way, even though it may sound like it..

    next time read before you post so you don't look stupid while trying to act smart..
    key word is "trying"

    ps. you can edit and send a final draft of my post to me through PM

    Oct 13, 09:00 PM
    Hmph... I haven't been to the Dell forums in a while or I probably wouldv'e seen that. Oh, well. Already ordered my other 30" display the other day, I'm not going to complain. :cool:The one I ordered the other day shipped yesterday and I'm expecting delivery on monday. I requested the forum coupon and will see if they will credit me. But I don't know. i'm not planning on going through the brain damage of ordering another monitor with the coupon and sending one back just to save ~$100.I currently have a 30" Dell that I bought last year when Dell first introduced them. I love the thing... My only gripe is 1 stuck pixel, but Dell requires like 7 or more to replace and I didn't swap the monitor within my 30-day window because the pixel didn't show up until after nearly 3 months. :(

    I have an Apple 30" on my other G5 quad and I've never had the two side by side, but I think I like the Dell one better. I use a Gefen 4x1 DVI DL Switcher (Parallel Control) $899 ( and have the G5 and two PC systems connected to the Dell with an extra cable for my MBP or whatnot if I want to connect that. I ordered the second 30" because I'm going to expand my desktop to dual 30" displays. :D I had to order another Gefen switcher for the second monitor too since the G5 and one of my PC boxes both support dual-link DVI out of both DVI ports as will the Mac Pro I'm planning to buy in the near future.Yeah, rxse7en -- you da man!

    I had been considering getting another one of these 30" Dell monitors since I love the one I've got and as big as it is, when working on compositing images from two or three 1080p sources, doubling my desktop space would be a dream. I pulled the trigger on one the other day with the recent price drop plus Dell's 15% off. Then this coupon came along. I called up Dell and they refused to apply the coupon at first so I just threw at them, well how about I cancel my order, refuse shipment and order another monitor with the coupon. ;) The guy thought about it for a bit and then decided to adjust my order.

    It should be here monday, but I still have to get a sales tax issue cleared up... They charged me too much tax to begin with and then also didn't adjust it when altering my invoice. So I live in an area where I'm supposed to pay a max of 4.6% yet I'm getting charged nearly 8% of the pre-adjusted amount. Ouch. :mad:I am so glad you tried and succeeded in getting that discount. That's great. Hope you didn't suffer too much brain damage ripping on that sales rep. Wish I could have heard that. lol. :p

    Want to have a contest to see who can have their 8-Core Mac Pro delivered first? I will have to drive to Santa Clara 35 miles to buy an Apple gift card so I can complete my online purchase so you might be able to beat me.

    Please share with us what config you will buy and why. I plan on buying only the 1GB model and buying my RAM from Omni Optival - only 2 more GB. So far it looks like my multi-threaded apps do not use much ram at all while using up to 4 cores EACH. So they're RAM stingy and Core HOGS. I am not getting this for Photoshop but for compressing video in 2 to 4 simultaneous applications.

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