
Sunday, May 22, 2011

2007 Subaru Forester Xt Limited

2007 Subaru Forester Xt Limited. Limited SUV. 2010
  • Limited SUV. 2010

  • mrsir2009
    Mar 31, 01:08 PM
    Bad interfaces based on silly metaphors isn't a new phenomenon at Apple. May I remind you of this abomination?

    Yeah that brushed steel stuff was used across the board:

    2007 Subaru Forester Xt Limited. Limited SUV. 2010
  • Limited SUV. 2010

  • Krafty
    Jan 26, 09:13 AM
    Ha sound like me...typical college student. I've been selling stuff and have returned about 4 things in the past week because they all sucked!
    Agreed. I had some cash left over and been meaning to look into remote earbuds since my stock apple ones died and I didn't want to purchase those again. Fell into the marketing scheme a little bit by the Dre's, but I wanted buds that wrapped around the ears since in ears are difficult for me to keep steady.

    Found some Phillips for $50, so I'm going to get my $162 back in a few hours.

    2007 Subaru Forester Xt Limited. Limited SUV. 2010
  • Limited SUV. 2010

  • Aadhil
    Sep 30, 02:07 PM
    You know what's funny? I've had ATT for over 5 years and have barely had 5 dropped calls and one of them was an iphone OS issue with OS 2.0. I live in the Silicon Valley so maybe coverage is just exceptionally good in my area, though I recall coverage being decent over in the Adirondacks in NY two years ago.

    2007 Subaru Forester Xt Limited. subaru forester 2.5x limited
  • subaru forester 2.5x limited

  • simplemind
    Sep 30, 11:13 AM
    Luckily in Minneapolis we have very good AT&T coverage. I get very fast 3G speeds and <1% dropped calls everywhere I go. Thank you urban sprawl for spreading everyone out.. When I was in NYC I noticed by data speeds were much slower. I didn't make enough calls to have any problems with that though.

    wow Matt, you must live in a special area of Minneapolis, because my experience with AT&T coverage in Minny is terrible! I was over in St. Louis Park just yesterday and my wife and I both had NO SERVICE until we got into Edina, and when my wife was in downtown at her patent lawyers office (IDC) she had 1 bar on Edge, and could not stay connected for more than 30 seconds before dropping the call. Thankfully in Prior Lake, I have decent coverage.
    I have had Sprint service for 7 years before switching over 2 years ago with AT&T, and if it were not for this device, I would be back on Sprint.
    I am tired of all the excuses I hear from AT&T every time I call them about their coverage, its a joke. What makes me and everyone I know upset, is this is AT&T we are talking about, not a 3rd rate, fly by night provider... I pay a premium price every month, and do not get anywhere close to a premium service in return.
    I cant wait for this phone to be with a different carrier, the second it becomes available, I am switched over!

    2007 Subaru Forester Xt Limited. FS:2007 XT Limited OBP w/mods!
  • FS:2007 XT Limited OBP w/mods!

  • -aggie-
    Apr 30, 10:14 PM
    Which is why the real party begins after we know you are gone. When the kids are away, the adults will play. ;)

    Lap dances FTW.

    2007 Subaru Forester Xt Limited. Subaru Forester 2.5XT Limited in Indianapolis, Indiana, 2007
  • Subaru Forester 2.5XT Limited in Indianapolis, Indiana, 2007

  • nilk
    Apr 13, 02:29 PM
    man how much would this thing cost? the 27" display is already 1000 bucks, and this would have to be at lease 42" for people to put it in their living rooms.

    Apple 27" display is 2560x1440 resolution. A 1080P TV is 1920x1080. There is a big difference in cost of the panel. Any 2560x1440 display is going to cost in the ball park that Apple's 27" is in. I paid about $1150 for my Dell U3011 (30" 2560x1600) and I am perfectly happy having paid that for the number of pixels I get. 1080P panels are a lot cheaper due to being easier to manufacturer and the fact that they sell much higher quantities than high-res panels like those in the Apple 27" or a 2560x1600 30" (economies of scale).

    Though I don't think Apple is making a TV, but if they do, it better be a plasma (better picture quality than LCD).

    2007 Subaru Forester Xt Limited. 2006 Subaru Forester 2.5 XT
  • 2006 Subaru Forester 2.5 XT

  • Reach9
    Apr 13, 07:54 PM
    The iPhone 4 had the most negative marketing out of all the iPhones.
    From the 'prototype' leak, to antenna issues. I think Apple is milking as much money as they can with the iPhone 4, while keeping the iPhone 5 top secret.
    I'm predicting that the sales of the white one will be like the Verizon iPhone, nothing spectacular.

    2007 Subaru Forester Xt Limited. Used Subaru Outback 2.5 XT
  • Used Subaru Outback 2.5 XT

  • Tattoo
    Jan 26, 01:35 PM
    I always wondered where "huffy" came from. :p

    2007 Subaru Forester Xt Limited. 2004 Subaru Forester 2.5XT
  • 2004 Subaru Forester 2.5XT

  • DontMacTheGyver
    Jun 7, 01:21 AM
    1000 bucks app?

    Epic Fail!

    2007 Subaru Forester Xt Limited. Forester 2.5XT Limited.
  • Forester 2.5XT Limited.

  • No1451
    Sep 16, 11:40 PM
    Looking to learn

    2007 Subaru Forester Xt Limited. 2004 Subaru Forester 2.5XT
  • 2004 Subaru Forester 2.5XT

  • Veritas&Equitas
    Jul 11, 03:23 PM
    if MS makes it cheaper than an iPod then Apple might have some trouble.
    Of course it will be cheaper, there is no question. On even comparable products Microsoft always goes with the cheaper price, and Apple can charge a premium right now b/c iPod holds 80% of the market. If something comparable comes out, Apple will be forced to drop their prices.

    2007 Subaru Forester Xt Limited. 2.5 XT Limited 2008 Subaru
  • 2.5 XT Limited 2008 Subaru

  • trainguy77
    Nov 12, 12:16 AM
    Yeah look at any teams overall stats. They all have a huge drop in production. The first place team shows it very well. But everyteam has this drop.

    2007 Subaru Forester Xt Limited. wrx forester xt premium
  • wrx forester xt premium

  • MacRumors
    Apr 13, 01:47 PM (

    2007 Subaru Forester Xt Limited. 2009 Subaru Forester 2.5XT
  • 2009 Subaru Forester 2.5XT

  • ITGuy
    Apr 23, 07:05 PM
    I can see the iPhone 4 coming out on T-Mobile in short order, probably once the white iPhone 4 is available. This way Verizon and T-Mobile will eventually be able to offer it as the lower cost iPhone in conjunction with iPhone 5. Right now only AT&T can exclusively offer the $49 iPhone 3GS alongside the iPhone 4. No carrier will have that exclusive low cost advantage with iPhone 5.

    I think Apple launched iPhone 4 on Verizon while in the final phase of bringing it to T-Mobile.

    2007 Subaru Forester Xt Limited. 2007 Subaru Outback 2.5 XT
  • 2007 Subaru Outback 2.5 XT

  • haddman
    Sep 30, 10:43 AM
    Yeah, I would estimate my dropped call rate is around 20-30% (Northern Virginia) sometimes higher depending on the day. They said they built a new tower near me, but ever since I got that message, my coverage has dropped at least one to two bars everywhere I go.

    Same here in Northern VA...this in addition to the 3.1 bugs is just maddening...enough to drive me to another carrier. Waiting on some Android phones to be released with VZW...Sprint has the the new HTC hero as well. Might be about the closest thing to an iPhone that won't drop my damn calls.

    2007 Subaru Forester Xt Limited. 2010 Subaru Forester 2.5 X
  • 2010 Subaru Forester 2.5 X

  • Btrthnezr3
    Feb 1, 06:12 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Yum! I am awake way too early praying for a school closing due to weather lol. Not a purchase but it will be nice.

    2007 Subaru Forester Xt Limited. Subaru Forester 2.5XT Limited in Sarasota, Florida, 2007
  • Subaru Forester 2.5XT Limited in Sarasota, Florida, 2007

  • mahonmeister
    Oct 23, 12:35 PM
    What's that other program that lets you run windows without an actual copy? Maybe I'll use that. Wait, are they even supporting Vista or just XP?

    2007 Subaru Forester Xt Limited. 2011 Subaru Forester 2.5X
  • 2011 Subaru Forester 2.5X

  • appleguy123
    May 1, 08:32 PM
    I think me and jav6454 are tied at one vote each.

    The 24 hour day started @ 4:21 yesterday. You reached one vote first. I don't think that this has ever happened before...

    2007 Subaru Forester Xt Limited. Subaru Forester 2.5XT Limited
  • Subaru Forester 2.5XT Limited

  • PBF
    Apr 12, 05:19 PM
    I'll laugh my ass off when Apple do announce iPhone 5 at WWDC.

    LOL @ all the false rumours.

    Nov 27, 02:28 PM
    Guys, need some help. I have 10 WU completed and I want to get bigadv going. I've read the setup how-to on F@H and am a little lost. Am I correct to say all I have to do to initiate bigadv is put the "-bigadv" string in my parameter block in the smp client control window?

    are you running the console version? most people around here usually run that (i think) in terminal. that's what i do. and i'd advise that for you as well. that way, you just add "-bigadv" in the terminal command.

    but i think you can do it in the other version as well. basically yes, all you need to add is "-bigadv"

    May 1, 05:55 AM

    Oct 24, 08:39 AM
    FW 800, 2gig of ram im soo pyched, and I was just about to pick one up this weekend, but my i couldnt do an instore pickup at the apple store. Im glad i waited.

    Whats the quickest way to order one of these, pre-order online right now, or wait till there at stores and swing and grab one

    Apr 24, 11:55 AM
    Nope, just going by what I see around the bus/food court areas in downtown Montreal which is more anecdotal than factual. However, looking at world-wide market share numbers, it's not hard to see the trends and outside the US, the iPhone hasn't had "carrier exclusivity" for quite a while.

    Thinking that the reason the iPhone "lags" in market share is because of some kind of carrier exclusivity that just got ended 2 months ago is quite the US Centric view.

    In Vancouver (and my group of friends and co-workers) I see at least 5x the amount of iPhones then Android devices. In fact, in my and my girlfriends family alone there are 8 iPhones among 11 people (one of those without an iPhone being my dad who refuses a smartphone at all). However, it's hard to draw any real conclusions up here without any data.

    I know that a lot of growth is coming from cheaper markets/countries and in Europe due to the iPhone's higher monthly pricing. I am honestly curious and I wish it was possible to get a country by country breakdown of iOS vs Android.

    Apr 27, 12:15 PM
    It's called facts, not sure if you've ever come across this word before. I didn't particularly like what I saw, and milking the seizure was the right thing to do in order for these scumbags to go away. But it's just an observation that I and many have so why not say it?

    Facts? You have no proof that she was faking a seizure- none whatsoever. If you want to talk facts, then speak about what you actually know. You have NO WAY to prove she was faking. What you're engaging in is speculation.

    Post Title 2007 Subaru Forester Xt Limited