
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Opel Astra Gtc 2010

Opel Astra Gtc 2010. Photo: 2010 Opel Astra GTCView
  • Photo: 2010 Opel Astra GTCView

  • SuperCachetes
    May 1, 10:16 PM
    So the figure head who has had little to nothing to do with Al-Queada (a leaderless brand name of extremists at this point) since 9/11 is dead. Woo hoo. Meanwhile, terrorism in the world has only increased since the "war on terror" (something that was predicted and well known by US planners when gearing up for it).

    Time to start the USA chants. :rolleyes:

    Yep. It means nothing.

    Opel Astra Gtc 2010. 2010 Opel Astra GTC by
  • 2010 Opel Astra GTC by

  • jafan pit
    Nov 23, 11:04 PM
    Yes, Microsoft is (and always has been) moving into other areas and fails in some, but their software machine is very strong in the client desktop software and server market. Their business and monopoly just keeps growing, they aren't desperate. All business tries to expand, especially when you have billions of spare profit to burn every quarter. Wish I was as "desperate" as them.

    Opel Astra Gtc 2010. Opel Astra Gtc 2009
  • Opel Astra Gtc 2009

  • peapody
    Sep 13, 06:33 PM
    ^^^The food's pretty good. I was never disappointed.

    Nice edit.:D

    Tried to be good to the mods to reduce their headache. haha..but alas a purchase is a purchase.

    Opel Astra Gtc 2010. Opel astra gtc 1024x768 photo
  • Opel astra gtc 1024x768 photo

  • goobot
    Jun 6, 11:42 AM
    they deserved it. if the kid is stupid enough to look at a 1000 dollar app and hit download he shouldnt get a refund. hey i just put a gas hose in my car, i didnt expect gas to come out and i had to pay. any how why would the mother give a 11 year old access to her credit card? dumb move. she deserved it too. she could type the pass for him or give him a blank account and buy gift cards for him.

    Opel Astra Gtc 2010. 2010 Opel Astra GTC coupe
  • 2010 Opel Astra GTC coupe

  • dscuber9000
    May 1, 10:41 PM
    Looking forward to the movie version. ;)

    Obama sure made it sound badass. :p

    Opel Astra Gtc 2010. New Opel Astra here in 2010
  • New Opel Astra here in 2010

  • Cougarcat
    Apr 13, 02:01 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    Anytime an "analyst" opens their mouth, it should be page 2 material at best.

    Opel Astra Gtc 2010. Opel Astra GTC 2010: Expressiv
  • Opel Astra GTC 2010: Expressiv

  • Full of Win
    Apr 29, 03:26 PM
    Apple pays 70% straight to the record companies, which would be $0.90. If Amazon pays the same, then they have $0.21 loss before they even start. Or Amazon gets different prices than Apple, which would need some explaining.

    How do you know this? Just curious. I've heard all sorts of numbers bandied about, but yet to see a confirmation as to the distribution.

    I'm not a lawyer, but why does it need any explaining? Could it be that Amazon was better at negotiating than Apple, and got a better deal from the content providers? Is there a legal reason that Amazon cannot get more concessions and thus a lower price than does Apple?

    Opel Astra Gtc 2010. opel-astra-2010-gtc-img_6
  • opel-astra-2010-gtc-img_6

  • twoodcc
    Oct 20, 07:40 PM
    too bad they dont have a midrange tower with an i5 or i7

    yeah for real. but that iMac sure does seem nice

    Opel Astra Gtc 2010. Opel/Vauxhall Astra
  • Opel/Vauxhall Astra

  • Surely
    Sep 13, 08:52 PM
    And what is the astronaut shirt? :confused:

    It's a shirt with an astronaut on it.

    Look closely at the label, it will lead you to it.

    And if you live in Chicago, you can go to the actual store.....

    Opel Astra Gtc 2010. 2010 Opel Astra
  • 2010 Opel Astra

  • Pandaboots
    Jan 25, 10:30 PM
    Basically people are idiots. It's common knowledge that Apple holds the market share on mp3 players by a huge margin. It will take years (if ever) for Apple to lose that position. However, iPod sales should slow as the market becomes saturated. Everyone now has an iPod, except for the handful of Zune owners and off-brand owners who are just plain too cheap or too dumb to buy the real McCoy. At any rate, Apple now has the challenge to maintain their market share and they will do so through innovation and continually improving their product to get all of us to keep upgrading to the latest and greatest iPod.

    I think investors and analysts alike need to now focus their attention more on the iPhone, movie rentals/:apple:TV and the Macs as this is where Apple still has a lot of room to grow. Apple has a real chance to reproduce the iPod through their :apple:TV and I believe that if/when their movie rental/purchase division does take off, it will be more lucrative than their music division. Apple also gained a 20% market share on the smart phone industry in their first 90 days with the iPhone. I feel that when iPhone take 2 is released, sales of that unit will make the 1st iPhone look like child's play. The fact that the Mac consistently gains market share cannot be ignored. Apple really needs to step up here and get the excitement back into their computers, much like they have done with the iPod/iPhone/iTunes.

    Just remember how terrible the 1st generation iPods were compared to the current models and how far it has come. Apple has the opportunity again to do this with iPhone/:apple:TV/Macs --> yes with the Mac too...they need to innovate again with their computers. Not take a computer and make it thinner and lighter with less features, but really innovate here. Create a paradigm shift in how the world uses and thinks about computers, much like they did with music. Unless you think that Jobs and his crew are done and they have nothing left to give then I say buy Apple. Apple has been in existence for 32 years now and is at the top of their game. They have great momentum, a ton of cash lying around and a great management/marketing/engineering team still in place. Hell, I'm kinda glad that Apple's stock is getting negative press lately. With any success always comes the pessimism of "when" will they fall. You know as well as I do, that when Apple shocks us all again with their innovation, everyone's gonna jump back on board and will probably think twice before leaving again.

    So bottom line is this: When Apple starts showing that they are losing market share in all their divisions, start racking up debt and start giving us dull and crappy products to buy (like their competition) then I'd sell and run...until then buy and hold.....What kills me the most is that all of these financial companies who basically created the mess we are in and are writing down billions in losses every quarter are enjoying nice rebounds to their stock prices. People are idiots.

    Opel Astra Gtc 2010. Dalmatina Travel agency -
  • Dalmatina Travel agency -

  • balamw
    Oct 23, 10:46 AM
    No one will know that until they try installing Windows on a VM.
    The implication from Paul Thurrott's comments via daveschroeder above is that it isn't a tecnological limitation, but I agree with you that it shouldn't be hard to detect VM or not. I would presume the first place they'd go is for the DRM and thus eliminate lots of what people would like to do by running Windows in a VM on a Mac.


    Opel Astra Gtc 2010. Opel Astra GTC by Ibherdesign
  • Opel Astra GTC by Ibherdesign

  • Ammo
    Apr 26, 08:48 PM
    The theoretical never actually happen though. That's why I'd take a superior network standard with a lower frequency, and thus better building penetration, any day.

    Well AT&T is rolling out LTE as well so it's really the best of both worlds.

    Opel Astra Gtc 2010. Opel Astra Gtc 2010
  • Opel Astra Gtc 2010

  • RollTide
    Apr 28, 06:27 PM
    Uhh... this thread is about LAST Tuesday... Or do you guys just plan on recycling it every week??

    Title still applies:cool:

    Opel Astra Gtc 2010. Photo: 2010 Opel Astra GTC
  • Photo: 2010 Opel Astra GTC

  • bedifferent
    Apr 12, 09:57 AM
    Intel says that direct connection to both PCIe and the graphics processor is required for Thunderbolt, but I wonder just why it would not be possible to use a PCIe card for a "data only" connection to external TB storage devices and leave the video to the existing connections? It seems to me that there should be a sufficiently large market for such a card to warrant third party development. I don't think that anyone would be upset at having a second connector for their display...seeing as how they have one now...and would be very happy to have a data connection quicker than FW 800.

    Intel denies that Apple have an exclusive use of Thunderbolt, but it does not seem as though the PC motherboard manufacturers are making much of an effort to let people know that they will be offering Thunderbolt native motherboards anytime soon.

    Boo! I didn't know it "required" a connection between the GPU and PCIe. I don't see the reasoning behind a direct connection to the GPU, anyone (not an engineer here)? I also agree, that for the sake of data connectivity, a PCIe card would be a realistic expectation. I certainly wouldn't be bothered with another connection, especially if that connection would eventually be the primary connection to my external devices ("Light Peak"/"ThunderBolt" does allow for daisy chaining?).

    Opel Astra Gtc 2010. 2010 Vauxhall Astra
  • 2010 Vauxhall Astra

  • nefan65
    Apr 15, 02:00 PM
    976.6 MB wtf
    Apple: Learn from Google

    Learn from Google? What has Google developed that's anything close to an OS? And no, Chrome OS doesn't's a giant web browser, with Cloud Apps...

    Opel Astra Gtc 2010. 2005 Opel Astra GTC
  • 2005 Opel Astra GTC

  • Eldiablojoe
    Apr 26, 03:45 PM
    Ok, well- I want my vote to count for something so I'm changing it To Plutonius.

    Sorry- HTML skills lagging lol

    Fixed :)

    Opel Astra Gtc 2010. 2010 Opel Astra Official
  • 2010 Opel Astra Official

  • Rodimus Prime
    Dec 29, 11:09 AM
    fattest person in the world is not exactly an honor anyone should want.

    Opel Astra Gtc 2010. New Opel Convertible With
  • New Opel Convertible With

  • Tonezorz
    May 4, 09:22 AM
    Bunch of lying crap.

    Thanks for calling me a liar. My date moved, without explanation, as quoted in the story. The only thing I can personally think of is dropping a third line from the family plan. Other than that, and thanks to autopay, my bill for the remaining two iPhones on the plan is rather expensive, and always paid in full and on time, so the other argument is invalid as well.

    Opel Astra Gtc 2010. 2010 Opel Astra
  • 2010 Opel Astra

  • caspersoong
    May 4, 02:38 AM
    My father was planning to get one... oh, well...

    Apr 14, 12:53 PM
    I agree with the animation glitches. For the 5 minutes I've had it on my iPhone (Did a restore, instead of upgrade), haven't noticed animation glitches like I did with 4.3 and 4.3.1, so I would say that it's a safe bet to upgrade it. Everything seems to be a lot more fluid this time around. Hope that helps. Enjoy!

    Can you open a third party app (like a game or news app) that isn't already running in the background and let us know if the launch animation runs or whether it still just "pops" on screen like in 4.3 and 4.3.1 ...

    Apr 10, 02:27 AM (

    Camera Canon EOS REBEL T2i
    Exposure 0.005 sec (1/200)
    Aperture f/9.0
    Focal Length 35 mm
    ISO Speed 100

    Apr 15, 01:53 PM
    Is there an option to make iCal look normal?


    Apr 14, 05:43 PM
    ^^^^^ i think your on to something!

    Mar 29, 11:30 PM
    That is all it is for most people. I barely know what WWDC is, I just know I usually end up watching a keynote online from it.

    Back in the day, Apple participated in user conferences called MacWorld. There was an winter one in San Francisco, and a summer/late summer one on the east coast. There also was a late spring developer conference in San Francisco - but that was mostly irrelevant if you weren't an Apple OSX developer.

    Life was good.

    But, the turtle-necked overlord got into a hissy-fit with the company that was organizing the conferences.

    The summer MacWorld was cancelled for petty reasons. Soon after, Apple withdrew from the winter conference as well.

    So, today, the only venue that Apple has control over is the late spring developer conference - which they've co-opted to trumpet whatever the PR department needs at the time.

    Post Title Opel Astra Gtc 2010